THE bravery of a Police
Officer; described as a "forgotten hero"; was
remembered in a ceremony on Wednesday, 13 November 2013, to mark his
grave with a headstone 120 years after his murder on Merseyside.
Late on Sunday, 12 November 1893, PC James Gordon, 26, and a
colleague, Constable Whalley, disturbed 3 men who had broken into
the yard of Foster's Navigation Boiler Works in Atlas Street, St
Helens attempting to steal hens.
As they attempted to arrest the criminals PC Gordon was hit across
the head with an iron bar, receiving terrible injuries.
With the help of other officers the 3 men were all detained. Having
received first aid, the officer was sent home and told to report
back on duty the following morning.
However, PC Gordon never returned to duty. He died from his injuries
in the early hours of the following morning.
PC Gordon was originally from Kinneff in Kincardineshire.
On Wednesday, 13 November 2013, a host of dignitaries attended a
special ceremony organised by The Police Roll of Honour Trust in
memory of the brave young Policeman including the Assistant Chief
Constable of Merseyside Police, Ian Pilling, Chairman of Merseyside
Police Federation, Peter Singleton, the Mayor of St Helens and the
Leader of St Helens Council.
Geraldine Winner, the widow of Michael Winner who set up the Police
Memorial Trust following the death of PC Yvonne Fletcher in 1984,
was also in attendance. This was her 1st public engagement since her
husband's death.
Mounted Police Officers led the official party to the old section of
the cemetery off Hard Lane. During the service a bugler played the
last post and reveille.
Merseyside Police form a guard of honour and a lone piper played
during the service.
Steve Lloyd, the Trust Manager of The Police Roll of Honour Trust,
said:- "Although PC Gordon's name and sacrifice is well
recorded by The Police Roll of Honour Trust I am sad to say that
this brave young officer has lain in an unmarked grave since his
death. Indeed this would have continued to be the case had it not
been been for research undertaken on our records and research by
members of the Friends of St Helens Cemetery, one member in
particular, Mrs Brenda Neary, who is herself an ex-Police Officer.
As this is the 120th anniversary of PC Gordon's death the Police
Roll of Honour Trust believe it is both right and fitting that we
mark the service and sacrifice of this local forgotten hero. Our
motto is 'Lest we forget' I hope this will prove that those are not
just empty words. To that end the trust commissioned a specially
engraved headstone from a local monumental masons which has been
erected at his unmarked grave. As an organisation we have never had
a murdered Police Officer in an unmarked grave before. This proves
the job of a Police Officer never changes. It will always be
inherently dangerous. We may never know why this local Police hero
was left in an unmarked grave. The Trust are pleased to be able to
make his grave so that everyone will know where young PC James
Gordon lies at rest. His duty well done."
Superintendent Chris Markey, said:- "Every day Police Officers
go about their duty and do not know what their day could bring. PC
Gordon's death is a reminder to everyone that, on a daily basis,
officers can be called upon to go into unexpected situations, and
show great bravery and courage usually when other people are at the
worst moments in their lives. I am personally very proud and humbled
to have been invited, together with colleagues and members of the
community to pay their respects to this officer on this very special
day. Merseyside Police is pleased that his passing has been
commemorated in this way and hope that this fitting memorial will
serve as a constant reminder of his sacrifice for the community he
served here in St Helens." |

List of groups/individuals who
were in attendance:-
Merseyside Police Band.
Merseyside Police Chaplaincy.
Police Cadets.
Police Community Support Officers.
Police Specials.
National President of The National Association of
Retired Police Officers (NARPO).
Local President and members of St. Helens branch of
Representatives from the United Reform Church St
Helens and Minister.
Representatives from the Blue Knights
(The Blue Knights International Law Enforcement
Motorcycle Club, Inc. is a non-profit fraternal organisation
consisting of active and retired law enforcement officers who enjoy
riding motorcycles).
The head boy and girl from Cowley School, Lower
School (who will lay flowers).
Members of The Friends of St Helens Cemetery.
Liverpool Scottish Association.