Southport marks
Remembrance Sunday 2013
Report and photos by
Patrick Trollope.
SOUTHPORT held its annual
Remembrance Sunday Service under a cold blue sky, at the Town's War
Memorial, located on the junction of Nevell Street, Lord Street and
London Street. As crowds gathered around the white tower, between
the 2 large colonnades which house the names of the fallen, it was
interesting to see a wide range of ages within the public part of
the combination. Despite the sun, the temperature was still nippy,
but that did not deter a massive crowd from showing their respects
for the incredible sacrifices of Southport's residents. Many who do
not attend a service, seem to forget that the ceremony does not just
cover World War 1 and World War 2 fallen, but it in fact the service
covers all who have fallen past and present. It also not only covers
the military losses, but civilian losses as well. In recent years we
have lost 13 residents who were on operations in Afghanistan since
2001, from the Merseyside area. Also Major Matthew Titchener, who
was 32, killed in Central Basra, in 2003 was 1 of 6 killed from
Merseyside, during hostilities in Iraq. Another was 28 year old Cpl.
Mike Gilyeat, who served with the Royal Military Police and was
killed in Helmand, in 2007, some of those taking part in the act of
remembrance, were sombrely recalled by family and friends, who are
never to be forgotten. These are some photographs taken by our
Editor Patrick Trollope at the ceremony in Southport.


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