Bring your
medicines to hospital for a safer, smoother stay
THAT is the message from
pharmacists to the 60,000 inpatients who attend Southport and
Ormskirk hospitals each year.
Steve Simpson, Clinical Pharmacy Services
Manager, said:- "We will provide all the medicines a patient
needs for treatment during their hospital stay. However, it is
important patients remember to bring with them their own medicines
that they regularly take at home."
This is important because:-
► Staff will know patients are safe because they are taking the
medicines prescribed by their GP
► Knowing this should make the
discharge process smoother
► Wasteful duplicate prescriptions
of expensive medicines is avoided
Steve added:- "Leaving medicines at home can delay treatment
because our doctors and pharmacists must establish what a patient is
taking before any new medicines can be prescribed. We always check the medicines patients bring into hospital,
ensuring they are labelled correctly and are the ones the GP has
prescribed. We also make sure they're stored securely with any other
medicines that are needed."
Original Cruisers Christmas Toy

THE local motorbike club, the Original
Cruisers, will be holding the annual Christmas Toy Run to Nazareth
Childrens Home in Crosby, on Sunday, 8 December 2013. If you do not
know what Nazareth House is, it is a property that houses a short
stay respite unit for up to 6 children at any one time, aged 6 to 17
years. The service is commissioned by Sefton MBC and looks after
young people who have learning and physical disabilities, as well as
complex health needs. Currently the facility has 50 children on it's
rolling programme of care. Adam Brown from the Original Cruisers
told us that:- "We are doing a charity toy run on Sunday, 8
December 2013 to Nazareth Children's Home in Crosby, we will be
doing a parade round town which leaves St Teresa's Social Club and
Birkdale Community Centre, located on Upper Aughton Road, PR8 5NJ,
at 12.30 and will be heading to Lord Street for 12.45, this will be
our last one to Nazareth Children's Home as it is closing down so we
want to make it one to remember! We are asking all local shops
and families if they have any new/used or unwanted toys to please
donate them to us so that we have more toys to give to the children,
all the motorbikes and cars will be decorated to the max to
celebrate Christmas, there will also be an appearance from Mrs
Christmas and one of their elves. Other motorbike club's and riders
can join us, just bring a toy! For more information please call:-
Charlie on 07732696438." For more information about the club
go to:-
or visit the club's Facebook
Page Also to find out more
about the service click on
here now. |
Tesco till
donations for Mayor's Hope Fund set to start
SHOPPERS at Tesco stores in
Liverpool can start donating to The Mayor's Hope Fund; a new
charity for poverty relief set up by Mayor Joe Anderson, since
Monday, 25 November 2013.
The donate at till scheme gives shoppers at each of Tesco's 28
outlets in the City the opportunity to add at least £1 to their
shopping bill, by scanning a special donation barcode which will be
available in store. Checkout staff will be dressed in special Hope
Fund t-shirts.
All money raised will go to The Mayor's Hope Fund, a charity set up
to aid the relief of poverty in Liverpool and support foodbanks. The
Mayor has kickstarted the scheme with a £25,000 donation from the
People can also text donations to the Hope Fund of £1, £2, £3, £4,
£5 or £10. Text LMHF14 followed by the amount to 70070. So, to
donate £1, text LMHF14 £1 to 70070.
An online donation page has also been set up at:-
Mayor Joe Anderson said:- "These are tough times for people
due to the austerity measures, and as a result demand for our foodbanks is rising month on month.
I am delighted that Tesco have agreed to come on board and support
the Hope Fund. It will provide a huge boost, enabling foodbanks to
invest in their infrastructure to meet the increasing need for their
Liverpool people are an inspiration and known for their generosity
and I know they'll come together in the run up to the festive season
to make this scheme a success. People making a donation of
their choice when they are doing their shopping will make a big
difference to those in our community who are most in need."
There are 3 main centres in Liverpool; in the North, South and
Centre of the City. They fed almost 7,000 people from April 2013 to
August 2013; an 88% rise on the same period the previous year.
The Mayor's Hope Fund will identify specific projects to implement,
enhance and grow the level of service that that each foodbank can
The money will be used to create storage space and
distribution centres, recruit and train volunteer and collect and
deliver food.
Michael Kissman, Community Director at Tesco, said:- "Food
poverty is a real tragedy and we want to do everything we can to
help families in need of support.
We hold regular food collections for food banks at our stores in
Liverpool and the generous response by local customers has been
We're pleased to be building on this by supporting the Mayor's Hope
Fund initiative so we can make an even bigger difference to some of
Liverpool's most vulnerable people."
The scheme is also being backed by The Dean of Liverpool, the Very
Reverend Dr Pete Wilcox. He said:- "The acute need for help
and support across our City demands a co-ordinated thought through
response. Local churches and the cathedral have been in the vanguard
of that response and we fully support the Mayor in his fund.
It is a timely way to hopefully ensure that more much needed help
reaches the most vulnerable in our City."
For more information about The Mayor's Hope Fund, visit:-
The Mayor's
Hope Fund is a registered charity in England and Wales (1153630).