WIDNES Vikings took its
official club photograph to the next level this season as
volunteers, community coaches, development squad, scholarship,
academy and 1st team players joined staff, directors and coaches for
a unique 'One Club' photograph.
The Widnes club has been around since 1875 and there's been plenty
of iconic pictures hung up around this historic club but last
Saturday new ground was broken as all corners of the club joined
forces for the 1st time.
Vikings Directors and owners Steve O'Connor, Roddy Snedden, Brian
O'Connor and James Rule took their places amongst the academy
players, development squad players, 1st team players and
administration staff at the Vikings.
The 'One Club' photo was the brain child of the
Vikings staff as they come up with the idea to demonstrate their
unity towards a common goal of driving the Vikings forward.
James Rule, Widnes Vikings CEO, said:- "It was a great day for
the Club. Widnes Vikings has a proud heritage stretching back to
1875. Over the decades there have been many great people who have
shaped the Club both on and off the field. This group will shape the
history of 2014. Naturally much of the focus on our Club concerns
what takes place on a match day over eighty minutes. However,
without the support of the entire operation we would not be able to
function. This was an opportunity to bring the Vikings together and
thank everyone for their hard work. Each and every person on the
photograph is contributing to our evolution we work together as 'One
Club'. We will hang this photograph with pride."
The Tramways of
Southport Talk
THE Merseyside Branch of
the Tramway and Light Railway Society are holding the next event
at:- The Greenbank Sports Academy, Greenbank Lane, Liverpool L17
1AG, from 7.30pm, on Monday, 17 February, 2014. The talk will be
about:- "The Tramways of Southport" and conducted by
local researcher, archivist and transport historian, Ron Phillips.
This talk will be very interesting for any one interested in the
history of this popular Merseyside resort, that was once served by 3
an assortment of 3 different tramway companies between 1873 and
1934. Ron will explain how each developed and, eventually, became
one by 1920. He has a wealth of knowledge on the subject and you can
expect to hear about many mysteries and stories which have not
appeared in any published history of the town's tramways so far.
Tea, Coffee and biscuits will be served during the interval. £1.50
per head.
Caring daughter
inspired by mum to give up booze to raise cash for cancer charity

A caring daughter from
Wirral whose mum beat cancer has given up booze for a month to raise
cash for a cancer charity.
Danielle Ward assistant manager at mobile phone shop 3 Store, at
Eagles Meadow shopping centre, Wrexham, is taking part in the
Dryathalon, where people give up alcohol for January in aid of
Cancer Research UK.
It's a cause close to the heart of the 25 year old after her mum Steph beat skin cancer over a decade ago.
Danielle said:- "This is a really personal cause for me. My
mum was able to get through it because people have put money into
researching. My mum was really down when she had cancer because she
couldn't work, she couldn't go out. She's not normally that type of
person. She's always outgoing and wanting to do things. We just
supported her and helped her out, and just got through it. The
recovered within 6 months so it was quite quick. The doctors were
able to catch it early. If taking part in the Dryathalon helps
people for treatment and care in the future then it's a good thing.
It's not much to give up alcohol for a month if it helps people."
Danielle is being joined on the Dryathalon by work colleague Gawain
Rogers. The 23 year old sales assistant originally said he would
take part in the Dryathalon as a joke. "It was a joke between
me and my mates saying 'I wouldn't drink throughout January', and
then I went and took it a step further and took it seriously. I'll
probably be going on a big night out to celebrate when I've
finished. I've got another mate's birthday on the 1 February 2014.
It's been very difficult. I had a friend's birthday the other night.
I'll be honest with you, It was very hard not drinking because
everyone else was drinking. I was on the non-alcoholic beer and it
was disgusting; absolutely horrible. My question is, why would
someone make non-alcoholic beer. It's just pointless to be honest.
And it doesn't taste good. It's just not right. The only reason I
drank it was because it made me look like I was actually having a
drink. I was trying a placebo affect."
According to Gawain there have been good aspects to giving up
alcohol. He said:- "I can wake up in the morning and I don't
get a hangover. Say I'd usually go out on a Saturday night and then
on the Sunday I'd have a hangover. I've got more energy and I've
been going to the gym as well so it's really good. I can make the
most of the days. As soon as this month is done I'll be happy, and
then I'll have raised money for a worthwhile cause."
Eagles Meadow Manager Kevin Critchley thinks it's a great idea. He
said:- "I am very impressed by their determination and will
power but they are raising money for a very good cause. I really
wish them well with their fund-raising."
You can donate at:- |