awards highest rating to The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
THE Clatterbridge Cancer
Centre is one of the safest and lowest-risk in England, according to
the latest ratings published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The Centre, which provides non-surgical cancer care to a population
of 2.3m across Cheshire, Merseyside and surrounding areas, has been
placed in the top-performing band in the care regulator's second
assessment of risks to patients.
The CQC assessed all 161 acute healthcare providers in England
against more than 150 standards, including infection rates,
mortality, patient feedback and the reporting of safety incidents.
It then placed them into one of six bands, with Band 1 deemed to be
the highest risk and Band 6 the safest and lowest risk.
The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre was rated Band 6 – the
best-performing level; with no risks identified at all, either at
the minor or elevated grade.
This was the second time the CQC has published these assessments,
known as hospital intelligent monitoring reports. The Clatterbridge
Cancer Centre was also rated as a Band 6 in the first assessments in
October 2013.
Helen Porter, Director of Nursing & Quality at the Centre, said:-
"We are absolutely delighted to have been rated as one of the
safest places to receive healthcare in England. Our whole ethos is
about providing the very highest quality of care to our patients;
safe, effective and compassionate healthcare delivered with warmth
and dedication by experienced expert staff."
CQC Intelligent Monitoring Report on The Clatterbridge Cancer
Centre - March 2014
Band -
Number of 'Risks' -
Number of 'Elevated risks' -
Overall Risk Score -
Number of Applicable Indicators -
Proportional Score -
Maximum Possible Risk Score -
The full assessments for all 161 trusts can be found
ONLY 1 in 3 parents can
afford a new lifesaving meningitis vaccine for their children,
according to a new survey. Yet 95% are in favour of vaccines
that protect against meningitis being offered free to all children
through the NHS.
Results showed that 30% more people from London and the South East,
compared with the rest of the country, said they could afford the
vaccine, which can cost up to £600 per child – a figure supported by
the fact that over 64% of private vaccine sales to date are in
London and the South East.
The survey of 1,000 Mumsnet parents was commissioned by national
charity Meningitis Now.
Sue Davie, chief executive of Meningitis Now, said:- "The
mothers who took part in this survey are sending a very clear
message; that Government should act now to protect our babies and
children, put their lives before cost and introduce the Meningitis B
vaccine free on the NHS."
The vaccine, Bexsero, is currently only available privately in the
UK. Meningitis Now is spearheading the Beat it Now! campaign to make
it available free on the NHS and recently delivered a
36,500-signature petition to Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt.
"We'd like any parents who haven't signed up to our Beat it
Now! campaign to join us and write to the Health Secretary, urging
him to protect our children now." added Sue Davie.
Mr Hunt is expected to consider a recommendation from the Joint
Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) later this month
and reach a decision on whether to introduce the vaccine.
Other headline findings from the survey show:-
98% of mums (98%) said new parents should be given information about
the signs and symptoms of meningitis
47% received this information when their child was born.
A Signs and Symptoms card, as already produced by Meningitis Now,
was overwhelmingly seen as the most appealing format in which to
receive this information.
Justine Roberts, Mumsnet CEO, said:- "Many parents are alert
to the very real threat of meningitis but lots still aren't
receiving the right information at the right time. The message is
clear: parents want to be given information about the signs and
symptoms of meningitis when their children are newborns, not later
For more information on meningitis and how to support Meningitis
Now's Beat it Now! vaccine campaign visit:-
meningitisnow.org. |