flock along the Pier.
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.
ON a cold, but sunny Saturday (11 January 03), Sefton Rangers held their 'Bird Watching for All' event at the end of the pier. We decided to go and have a look at what was on offer.
In town the Rugby had been cancelled due to the bad weather and so
had the football, so what made the people go? Well the
fantastic bird life and the opportunity to ask the experts what the
bird that they spotted were. Not forgetting the fantastic views
of the birds feeding on the sand banks and low water
line. Also on offer inside were displays, and children
could make badges to take home. Our hats off to Sefton for putting on a fantastic event that lasted
over the weekend. One of
the bird watchers said "It is cold, but the coffee shop
is fantastic to warm up in. It even has beer... You
don't get that in most bird watchers huts. Mind you, you don't
get a train to take you to the viewing location... Well we
live in hopes!"

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