Reviews on this page by Dom
Lilo and Stitch Pinball
(Disney Interactive)
THESE colourful characters may have proven their mass appeal with the younger generation and perhaps some long life Disney fans. Yet the transition of such appeal to your pc was always going to be difficult.
On first impression, the comical value for which Disney is so renowned gives the highlight of this pinball games appeal. Coupled with a new 3d format, there is an idea that we are venturing into something new. Sadly, this is where the romance of Lilo and Stitch pinball ends.
A snail like pace in this game at a snail like pace in whichever mode that you choose, only serves frustration and a possible cure for insomnia. So much so, that pinball games from past releases are instantly in want of recall and forgiven for their lack of creativity and
individuality towards this old and popular game.
A point that stands in its favour is the games interface. The comprehensive has a design specifically to assist newcomers and to its audience. However there is nothing outstanding of the rendering or it's sound, which leaves Lilo and Stitch looking for a new and more plausible adventure which we can enjoy without the criticism.
all two stars out of five! 
Impossible Creatures

IN from the cold of the remnants of Windows XP professional and the millions of dollars it generated for this seemingly unstoppable software company. Microsoft turns its hand to releasing a gaming project to keep our appetites ready for the next operating system blockbuster 'Windows Longhorn'.
Far removed from previous releases from this company, this Real Time Strategy game takes a further twist on hybridizing species of animals for the gain of power. Hardly a new concept, but your role as Rex Chance, the pursuit of finding his father and scientist doctor Chanikov, mixes a fine story line of 1930's zeitgeist species cloning with fantasy thoughts of finding the ultimate animal for the pursuit of human conquest. But does it justify itself enough for a reason to buy it?
A lack of hindsight and a strong whiff of Empire Earth mixed with Blizzard's Warcraft 3 in Impossible Creatures, adds nothing new to stimulate its audience leaving more questions than answers.
Impossible Creatures certainly has the makings of a game that will last. But a feeling of déjà vu from the haze of RTS mayhem last summer, only adds to the boredom - A strong story line does not always carry a game, especially when repeated by past games of the same genre.
Despite this, Impossible Creatures does have its positive features. The species combination provokes much for the mind and affects the game play in ways not previously experienced.
The smooth and helpful interface combined with lush textures and an added bonus that we found in which IC works on Intel Celeron P2 366 MHz systems - slightly lower than Microsoft's minimum recommended specification and runs smoothly (without character overload).
However, this game release is on the tail end of the second-generation RTS genre, which is soon to be extinct in the coming months. Improved by a more interactive experience whereby characters are more than simple five centimetre dots that do your every bidding. Thus, the timing or rather lack of it proves only to assimilate a dinosaur of a game shortly before you leave the store with it.