by John Grisham
1100 years in the making! Following the success of "Ingimund's Saga, Norwegian Wirral", publishers Wirral UK have released a new Stephen Harding history book, entitled, "Viking Merseyside". The book comprises historical data about the Viking legacy on the Mersey and West Lancashire region. With fantastic photographs and linking data from Iceland and photographs of current locations in the UK, to help you, you can conjure up a wonderful picture of the past. This book is full of interesting snippets, which help you understand our Scandinavian ancestors in this area and our connections to a people who were very misrepresented by historic myths that over shadow our modern understanding on their influence and true nature. Until you read this book, it is hard to think even Everton, Tranmere Rovers and Burscough have Viking connections! Chapter 7 is the most relevant chapter for most of us in Southport, Formby and Liverpool, as it covers all the Scandinavian settlements with detailed descriptions and maps, with detailed information of today’s towns and villages that have evolved around them. The book is nothing new on it's own, but it is very unlike any other book describing our area, because of its very palatable format and should be a very useful resource for schools and other educational establishments.
- The cost £10.00 is well worth it. The books ISBN is 1901231 34 8 and can be got through any bookstore, also Liverpool Museums and Galleries have the book in their shops. The book deserves a 4 out of 5 stars as it is a new approach to an old topic and is worth a read and for keeping for reference.
Countryvise Publications Wirril UK.
- The Summons
- by John Grisham
Review by Paul Southwood
GRISHAM’S thirteenth title has escaped superstition on this occasion with a solid piece of literary work that dispels any idea that this number is unlucky.
The Summons is a credible and gripping tale of a time in the life of university professor Ray Atlec, in Virginia. The plot unfolds the Atlec family relationship with powerful images of a respected judge and father to the brother illustrated as the drug-abusing alcoholic. Equally both are a world away from Ray Atlec’s seemingly easy-going life.
The focal point of the saga is his father’s estate and the events that follow. Judge Atlec orders a summons for his two sons to return to discuss his will, but on their return they find him dead. From this point, Grisham smoothly slips into top gear. Revealing the exposure of a secret known not only to the professor and leads the reader to an eagerly awaited climax.
Law may not be the topic of most but Grisham’s omission of the technicalities avoids boredom. But the downside perhaps is the rather drawn out episode of Judge Atlec’s death and proceeding funeral. However a neat twist with varying subplots nearing the book’s end add elements of fear and paranoia to the reader’s experience.
Second best to his earlier book ‘The firm’ but still an essential read.   