Play partnership
to support families in Liverpool
DOZENS of play schemes are
set to support thousands of young people and their families across
Liverpool this festive season.
Liverpool Play Partnership is funding the initiative, which is
designed to support and develop community sector organisations to
deliver free play activities during every school holiday.
It is led by Merseyside Play Action Council and LCVS, who work in
partnership with Liverpool City Council, Public Health and Liverpool CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group). A cocktail of funding from a
variety of public, private and charitable organisations is used for
the scheme.
Many of the projects also offer breakfasts and lunches under a
scheme called:- 'Play Healthy', while a project called:-
'Simply Advice' offers parents and carers assistance with social and
welfare issues such as debt and housing through the Citizens Advice
An analysis of activities during the summer holidays shows there
were 70 play schemes across the City and 55 of them served up a
total of almost 57,000 meals to more than 7,000 young people.
Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equalities,
Councillor Frank Hont, said:- ""This is a great example of
many different organisations coming together and pooling funding in
order to support activities that simply would not otherwise happen
due to diminishing resources. This is a hugely important
project which is making a big difference to many families who are
struggling due to the austerity measures and welfare reforms,
offering not just free activities for their children, but also
access to other help and support for their families. The play
schemes are a providing a bond which is connecting our communities
together, particularly in areas where people are reliant on each
other for support." Councillor Jane Corbett, Cabinet member for Children's Services,
said:- "All children deserve a good childhood and they have
protected status under the UN, but all the evidence that we have is
that the needs of families are growing. This is reflected in the 25%
rise in foodbank use between August and October this year and the
fact that a third of recipients are children. We know of cases
where the free meals provided through the Play Partnership are
enabling parents to use the money they have saved to spend on
essentials such as school clothes. Even a few pounds can be the
difference between surviving and going under." All of the play schemes receive funding for arts and crafts for
activities, while they can also loan materials such as disco
equipment and tug of war ropes to help them put on events.
Dr Simon Bowers, Clinical Vice Chair of Liverpool CCG, said:-
"The Liverpool Play Partnership has created a unique opportunity for
families in the City to learn, develop and become more
self sufficient.
The CCG is committed to developing links with key partners in
pursuit of improving health and social care outcomes for children,
and this project has proven to be an effective way of engaging with
some of the most vulnerable families.
Access to food and good quality nutritional advice, is key to a
child's development both in terms of physical development and
emotional wellbeing, and the CCG is delighted to be working with
this project as a way of optimising children's health."
A total of 35 play schemes will be in operation across the City
during the Christmas holidays.
Witness appeal after suitcase
stolen from train at Liverpool Lime Street
you recognise this man? British Transport Police officers want
to speak to him after a suitcase was stolen from a train at
Liverpool Lime Street Station. The incident happened at around
5.45pm, on Thursday, 21 August 2014. Investigating officer PC Paul
Owens said:- "A man got out of a taxi at the station with a
woman and a child. He then boarded the 15.47pm Virgin service on his
own, then got off the train with a small black suitcase, which he
did not have when he boarded. He then joined the woman and the child
again and they all boarded a Wigan bound train with the suitcase.
The victim of the theft had been visiting the City on business and
his suitcase contained his iPad and medication." Police
believe the man pictured could have vital information about the
theft and urge him or anyone who recognises him to come forward to
assist officers with their enquiries. If anyone has any information
please contact British Transport Police on:- 0800 40 50 40, or
text:- 61016, quoting reference:- PSUB/B12 of 09/12/2014.
Information can also be passed anonymously to the independent
charity Crimestoppers on:- 0800 555 111. |
United Utilities
urges Winter Wise warmth towards older people in Southport

UNITED Utilities is
encouraging people in Southport by asking them to extend a little
"Winter Wise" warmth towards isolated older people as temperatures start to fall.
As well as helping householders to fight the freeze in their own
homes through its Winter Wise campaign, the water company is urging
people to support:- 'Contact the Elderly', a national charity tackling
isolation among older people by organising regular Sunday afternoon
tea parties.
Contact the Elderly is recruiting volunteers and seeking guests in
an attempt to build on the strength of its Southport group, which
has 17 volunteers and 6 guests. Further groups could be started if
there is sufficient interest.
United Utilities has donated £3,000 in DIY store vouchers to the
charity which will be used by volunteers from the water company to
help Contact the Elderly guests buy pipe lagging materials and other
items to prepare their homes for winter.
The partnership is part of the United Utilities Winter Wise campaign
to spread practical advice on preventing the misery of a burst
frozen pipe.
United Utilities recommends that
► Lag pipes so they are much
less likely to freeze.
► Find and label your stop
tap; the tap which controls water supply to your house, so you know
where to turn the water off if you do get a burst.
► Keep the number of a good
plumber handy, just in case.
Find out more about
becoming a Contact The Elderly volunteer by visiting:-
or by getting in touch with North West Development Officer Gwen
Lightfoot on:- 01925 728969. You can also send an
email. Further
details about becoming a Freeze Fighter, preparing you home for
winter and a full list of Winter Wise roadshow dates are available
People prepared to #beafreezefighter have already started sharing
photographs from the Winter Wise road show on Twitter.
Stuart Atkinson, United Utilities water network manager, said:-
"We would like as many people as possible to become Freeze
Fighters this winter, helping themselves and others to avoid the
misery of burst frozen pipes.
As well as encouraging homeowners to fight the freeze in their own
homes, through our partnership with Contact the Elderly, we also
hope to spread warmth in other ways by highlighting the charity's
great work and helping it to recruit volunteers.
While frozen pipes are something that people only need to be
concerned with in winter, isolation is something which affects many
older people all year. Contact the Elderly's volunteers make a real
Supported by a network of volunteers:- 'Contact the Elderly' organises
monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for small groups of older
people, aged 75 and over, who live alone.
Gwen Lightfoot, North West regional development officer for Contact
the Elderly, said:- "Winter is a particularly difficult time
for isolated older people. By partnering with United Utilities, we
hope to raise awareness and encourage people to come forward and
help make a difference. All we ask from our volunteers is a
little of their spare time to either host a tea party in their own
home, or drive and accompany guests to a tea party and then deliver
them home safely afterwards. It is fantastic to know that the United
Utilities volunteers will also be helping older people prepare their
homes for winter."