The Formby
Nativity Play 2014!
Photos by Patrick Trollope
FORMBY Village played host
to yet another fantastic Nativity Play, produced and run by the
group:- 'Churches Together in Formby, Altcar & Hightown'
This year, it was not the normal Nativity, but a re-worked one,
called:- "Lamb Stew." For some, it was a bit odd, but
the majority of people seemed to like it! As normal the event ran a
high risk of being affected by the weather, but the rain and wind
cleared for the play to take place in the open air, on Chapel Lane.
Sadly, the start was delayed due to a power outage, caused by an
unrelated issue, that affected the Christmas Lights and some
businesses within the village. The problem was later fixed after the
event had concluded. In the meantime power was received from an
alternative provider, Cancer Research UK, for the stage. The
Christmas Aarrrr moment was produced by the inclusion, once again,
of a new born baby, whose Mum was in fact playing Mary, in the play.
This was the first time the baby and Mother were related, in its 9
years of running! At the event was Wings of Love who provided a new
addition to the event, with a Dove release. Other attractions
included a real donkey, sheep and goats, thanks to Rice Lane City
Farm. Presiding
over the proceedings was The Worshipful Mayor of Sefton, Cllr Kevin
E Cluskey, BA Hons along with the Mayoress Mrs Linda Cluskey. Also
attending were some of the local Council officials along with a mass
of local school children in costume who performed well and played a
significant part. The event was a huge success, and we have a few
video highlights at the end of our photographic coverage. We can
also inform you that the official DVD will be available after
Christmas from
CTIFAH, that will be edited by
Andy Johnson, who produced the sound track for the show. The Village
Centre has been hit hard over the last few years by a ever growing
drop in trade and footfall, so events like the Christmas Lights
Switch On and the Formby Nativity Play should help to bring in the
people. This year's Nativity did just that and the penultimate
Saturday, before Christmas should be busy anyway:- but as the
nativity finished, the village appeared to have emptied within
15mins. So the question has now been raised on Twitter, do events
like this lose trade or bring trade in... Or as some have Tweeted,
it doesn't do either as the people who go are not going to stay and
shop anyway! it also opens up another question, as Christmas is a
religious holiday, should shops expect trade from events like the
Nativity anyway? Please email your views and thought on this or
Tweet us @southportreport and let us know what you really think!

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