The great Northern
Powerhouse will join up the Mersey and the Tyne
CUTTING journey times between Liverpool
and Newcastle from 3 hours to 2 hours will be a key part of the:- 'One North'
proposals for improved transport links in the region say the leaders of the 2 Cities.
On the day that the Transport for the:- 'North Project Board' meets for the 1st
time to discuss the plans for a new 'High Speed Route' across the
Pennines, Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson and Nick Forbes, Leader of Newcastle
City Council, have
teamed up to back the case for coast to coast transport improvements which will
genuinely unlock the potential for economic growth across the North. 'The One North Plans' will link the
West and East Coast mainlines greatly
improving connections between the North's 2 great port Cities.
Joe Anderson, Mayor of Liverpool said:- "If we want to rebalance the
economy, we also have to rebalance transport spending. Government has invested
billions on Cross Rail in London and continues to spend significantly more per
capita in London than it does across the entire North.
In Liverpool, our port is busier than ever and we are investing to grow it
significantly over the next few years. We have to make sure we have the
transport infrastructure in place to be able to carry freight and passengers
across the north if we are to maximise the benefits. It's only with this
approach that the whole of the UK economy will benefit. We are ready to
go, we are ready to provide, we are ready to thrive, but we simply can't do it
without the long term commitment of government to invest for a whole Northern
Leader of Newcastle City Council Cllr Nick Forbes said:- "The One North
proposals are hugely important to the economic resurgence of the North of
England. The plans will join up the North from the Mersey to the Tyne; reducing
journey times from Newcastle to Liverpool from 3 hours to 2 hours.
Just as the great Geordie genius George Stephenson helped unleash the industrial
revolution when he built the 1st railways across the North, a joined up North
from the Mersey to the Tyne can once again be the economic powerhouse which will
transform the UK's economy. And it is not just rail; this is an integrated plan
which will see the extension of motorway networks and a recognition of the
hugely important role played by regional airports as vital transport hubs.
The whole of the north stands united behind this plan with clear governance, a
strong proposition, and a sound business case. We hope that the government will
work with us to make the most of this exciting opportunity."
North West Ambulance Service launches 'PTS'
awareness campaign across Lancashire

THE local Ambulance Trust, North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) is working
hard behind the scenes to further educate members of the public on its
'Non-Emergency' offering. The service has this week launched a new
campaign in Lancashire to increase levels of awareness for its Non-Emergency
Patient Transport Service, following an increase in requests for information. In
a recent survey of patients and non-patients, the Patient Transport Service
found that while 60% of the public was aware the service existed; there was
still a job to be done to improve understanding of the eligibility criteria. The
research also revealed that ¾ of the remaining 40% were in the dark as to where
to look for more information should they require it, presenting an opportunity
for NWAS to promote the organisation’s website, information leaflet and patient
charter further. The Patient Transport Service provides transportation to
hospital appointments for those who are unable to make their own way to hospital
due to medical or clinical needs. Speaking of the campaign, Sarah Smith,
Associate Director at North West Ambulance Service, said:- "The North West
Ambulance Service prides itself on listening to patient feedback and improving
our services where possible. The eligibility criteria is set to ensure those
individuals who genuinely need help with transport because of their medical
condition can access the service, and we are keen to improve understanding of
this." The Patient Transport Service provides Non-Emergency
Ambulance Transport in the 4 counties of Lancashire, Cumbria, Cheshire and
Merseyside. The Go PTS campaign is running from January to March 2015 and more
information can be found
Deafblind charity calls for Merseyside runners
SENSE, the national deafblind charity, is offering budding
athletes from Merseyside the opportunity to take the challenge of a lifetime and
run this year’s London Marathon. The charity that supports and campaigns
for people who are both deaf and blind across the North West, has guaranteed
places for the iconic race in April 2015. Tara Hamdi from Sense, said:-
“The London Marathon is 1 of the world’s greatest but getting a place can be
difficult, so Sense wants to give local runners the chance to run for a cause
close to home. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or a novice we’ll support you
every step of the way, from training and fundraising to the big day itself.”
If you would like to run for Sense, you can register online at:-
Sense.Org.UK/LondonMarathon, call the
Marathon Hotline on:- 0300 330 9257 or email:- The closing date is 23 January 2015. |
Stories of emigrants
captured in music - Czesław Śpiewa Solo Act Liverpool

IT will be the 2nd visit of Czeslaw
Mozil in Liverpool, UK, where the internationally acclaimed musician will sing
and promote his newest album:- "Book of Emigrants – Volume I".
Czesław Śpiewa, well known Polish singer, composer and accordionist will visit
Liverpool as part of the UK tour after visiting London, Bristol and Cardiff with
his newest album:- "Book of Emigrants – Volume I." The concert is
hosted by Merseyside Polonia and will take place at the legendary:- Parr Street
Studio 2 on 23 January 2014, at 7 pm.
The artist is well known from his original performances. Every concert is
different and the songs are intertwined with anecdotes, jokes and
autobiographical accounts. Czesław improvises melodies and proves that classical
music doesn't have to be boring.
Being born in Poland and growing up in Denmark, where he graduated from Royal
Danish Academy of Music, Czesław Mozil knows how it's like to be an immigrant
himself. A few years ago Czesław moved to Warsaw and successfully won Polish
fans with his first record. Today he is one of the most unique music persona's
at the Polish music scene who has had two records certified Gold and one
Platinum and was a juror on the Polish version of X Factor.
In his last record titled:- "Book of Emmigrants - Volume I" he
touches upon the difficult issues of leaving homeland and dealing with being a
foreigner. This strongly emotional album is about lives of Polish emmigrants,
their often cruel reality, sometimes full of anger, but also love for the
motherland. The stories of Poles who live abroad are inspired by the life and
personal experiences of the artist. The album has been received with controversy
back in Poland and stirred debate about emmigration of Poles in the recent
years. Czesław represents a strong voice in a discussion seen from the
perspective of an authentic artist whose own life translates into his artistic
Czeslaw's unconventional style and full of emotional accounts music is a great
opportunity to taste some Polish avangarde and alternative sounds.There is no
easy way of describing or labelling Czeslaw Mozil Solo Concerts To have a gist
of what his concerts look like check out
YouTube. The tickets are available
online (the number of tickets is limited).
Tickets in advance:- £18, on the day of the concert:- £20.
Event:- Czesław Śpiewa Solo Act.
Date:- Friday, 23 of January 2015.
Time:- 7.00pm.
Venue:- Parr Street Studio 2, 33 to 45 Parr St, L6 7UR, Liverpool, UK.
Appeal for witnesses to handbag theft at
you recognise this man? This week the British Transport Police are appealing
for help from the public after a handbag was stolen from Ormskirk Station at
around 11.10am on Sunday, 28 December 2014.
Investigating officer PC Peter Herbert said:- "The victim had left her bag
by the exit of the booking hall while she bought her ticket. A man then walked
through the booking hall, stealing the woman's bag, which contained a BlackBerry
mobile phone, as he passed."
Officers believe the man in the images could have vital information about the
theft and urge him or anyone who recognises him to come forward to help police
with their enquiries. Anyone with information is asked to contact British
Transport Police on:- 0800 40 50 40, or text 61016, quoting reference:- PSUB/B9
of 13/01/15. Information can also be passed anonymously to the independent
charity Crimestoppers on:- 0800 555 111. |