Merseyside Police is backing
a global push to create a better, safer Internet
SAFER Internet Day is being celebrated
in more than a hundred countries and here in the UK by Police forces, schools,
youth charities, councils and media organisations. The aim is to promote safe,
responsible and positive use of the internet and social media by children and
young people. Around a 3rd of 11 to 16 year olds say they have experienced mean
or unpleasant behaviour directed towards them online in the past year but around
75% also believe their own individual actions can help make the Internet a
better place to socialise and learn. Merseyside Police works with organisations
such as CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) and Titan (the
regional organised crime unit) to tackle online criminality such as grooming,
the sharing of indecent images, hacking and fraud. But officers also want to
help people stop becoming victims of these crimes in the first place by
educating children, teenagers and adults about how to safe whenever they are
online. Detective Superintendent Richie Carr said websites such as:-
ThinkuKnow.Co.UK and
InternetMatters.Org were great places to
get some pointers. He said:- "Everyone uses the Internet these days and
most of us use it for far more things than we realise. Many of us are logged on
all day on our mobile phone or work computer and we do anything from checking
our bank balance to arranging to go out with friends to sharing our holiday
snaps. But how many of us always do these things securely so things like our
bank details, personal photos and information about ourselves stay that way?
Safer Internet Day is all about giving people the know-how and confidence to
both stay safe online and behave more responsibly online too. The ThinkUKnow
website has tips for children of all ages as well as parents, teachers and other
adults who want to get clued up. There is also advice on there about how to
report something if you become uncomfortable or suspicious of someone else's
behaviour online. You can also take a quiz at:-
SaferInternetDay.Org.UK to see what you
would do if you had concerns about a friend's privacy settings, a fake profile,
a suspicious friend request, or online bullying. If we all take just a minute or
two out of our day to learn a little more about this issue we can all help make
the Internet a safer and more pleasant place to socialise and share our
experiences with others." For links to other participating
organisations visit:-
20 year old shot in
MERSEYSIDE Police Detectives from the
Specialist Matrix Organised Crime Team are appealing for information following
an injury shooting in Litherland on Monday, 9 February 2015. Officers were
called at 8.15pm to reports that a man been shot outside a house on Chelsea
Road. Officers and paramedics attended and found a 20 year old man with pellet
injuries to his lower back/buttocks. His injuries are consistent with a shotgun
discharge. The man was taken to hospital for treatment. A full investigation
into the incident is underway, including house to house enquiries and forensic
examinations. Patrols have been stepped up in the area to provide reassurance to
the local community. Detectives are appealing for anyone who witnessed the
incident, or has any information, which could help them with their enquiries to
contact them on:- 0800 230 0600 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800 555
111. |
E-Fit appeal after a teenage
girl told to:- "get into the car"

MERSEYSIDE Police Detectives have
released an e-fit of a man they want to trace who acted suspiciously towards a
girl in Litherland. At around 8.30pm on Saturday, 10 January 2015, a teenage
girl was walking along Moss Lane, Litherland, when a car drove past her a couple
of times. It then pulled alongside her and the driver wound down his window and
told her to get into the car. She ignored him and carried on walking. The driver
then got out of the car, at which point she ran off to her grandmother's house
Detective Constable Anita Grady said:- "We are really keen to trace this
man and I would urge anyone to take a good look at the e-fit and contact me if
you think you recognise this man. I would also like to reassure the community
that this type of incident is very rare and like to praise the young girl for
her quick thinking. She did exactly the right thing by not engaging with the man
and running to a place of safety."
The man has been described as white, of skinny build and about 30 years old. He
has a square face and a full head of dark hair, which is spikey.
He also has facial hair, slightly
longer than a stubble and was wearing a dark coloured tracksuit.
The vehicle he was driving is described as old saloon style with a
boot and dark in colour, very similar in appearance to a Rover.
If anyone does encounter a similar
situation, then they should not speak to, or engage with the
individual and go as quickly to a place of safety such as a shop,
public house, local business and call the Police straight away.
Anyone who has any information is asked to call Police on:- 101 or
Crimestoppers, anonymously on:- 0800 555 111. |