The Chinese year
4712 is here!

year’s Chinese New Year festivities and celebrations, in
Liverpool's Chinatown, took place on Sunday, 22 February 2015.
As one of the oldest Chinese communities in Europe, they turned
out to celebrate the start of the 'Year of the Goat'. Just like
most of Britain, that weekend, Liverpool was wet and cold.
Traditionally the China Town area comes to life, with thousands
of tourists and locals shopping at the street stalls,
participating in games and competitions, as the parades pass
them; sadly this year, it was not to be. The mixture of poor
weather, mixed with transport issues, as large parts of the
Mersey Rail network had a replacement bus service on, lead to a
very poor turnout of spectators. Normally every nook and cranny
is packed full of spectators, but this year, it was extremely
noticeable that numbers were significantly down. This was a huge
disappointment for those who run and take part in the event, but
for those who did go, the vibrant shows and colourful costumes
were as good as ever.
The weather sadly did not just affect the turn out, but also
some of the many activities that normally take place had to be
moved indoors, or even had to be scrapped. Thankfully, the
Dragon and Lion Street Parades, along with the spectacular
Firecracker Display were still able to be held.
In the evening, after the public events had finished, a Chinese
New Year VIP Dinner was held at the Britannia Adelphi Hotel, as
Did you attend the events? If you did, please let us know what
you thought of them, via emailing us to:-
To see our video footage from the event and also photos, please
click on
here now...
To all our Chinese readers - "Gong Hey Fat Choy"

Did you know? The animal that represents this year is ranked
8th of all the animals in Chinese Zodiac. The character for the
animal is the Chinese word 'yáng' which refers both to goats,
rams and sheep and that is why some say one and others say
another. The sign also represents solidarity, harmony and
calmness on the Chinese Zodiac.
If you are looking for love this year, why not use our Chinese
Zodiac page to find best match to your star sign? If you want to
try it, click on
here now!