National Poetry Anthology Competition returns, have you entered yet?
THE National Poetry Anthology Competition returns again and is run by United Press Ltd. who are aiming to promote poetry. This free competition aims to encourage more people to write poetry. Poetry is far more common than most people think, being used in things like adverts to music lyrics, but this form or writing tends to get overlooked. The competition is open to all UK residents, young or old. Over 250 winners are selected every year, each one representing a different UK town or area. All winners are published in the anthology and all receive a FREE copy of the book, that will include their poem. The book has been published yearly now and one of the winners was from Southport. Back in 2009, aged 80, Ed Collins became the winner of the biggest free to enter annual national poetry contest. He entered the National Poetry Anthology with a poem inspired by his grandchildren and we are told, is still writing poetry. Each competition, the organisers pick 250 regional winners to put them in the book. They then also get the chance to vote for the best poem in it. The winner of the vote gets £1,000 and a magnificent trophy to keep for life. So if you want to join Ed Collins, pictured above, as one of a select few to win the £1,000 and a magnificent trophy, you have until 30 June 2015 to enter. for more information and rules, please go to:- UnitedPress.Co.UK. Also to find out more please play the audio interview below, that we have done with National Poetry Anthology's founder Peter Quinn.
Play Interview |