Holey moley! Sinkhole opens
up in Churchtown and hits international news

THE huge sinkhole that appeared at the
junction of the A565 Cambridge Road and Preston New Road, in Churchtown,
Southport has hit international news, having been featured on sites like MSM. it
is thought that, overnight on 12 March to 13 March 2015, a collapsing sewer
caused a large hole in the road to open up. The hole is reported to be around
15ft by 10ft. The Wastewater network manager, Nicola Williams, said:-
"This is a major junction and we urge drivers to avoid that junction, in
Churchtown, and follow the diversions. We will assess the damage and begin
repairs once we can get a proper look at what has happened. As a result the
junction could be closed for several weeks. We would also like to add that the
businesses are not affected and are still open for trade, within that area."

Better justice for road crime victims - Brake
supports launch of MP's manifesto for change
BRAKE, the road safety charity, has lent its support to a
manifesto on criminal driving, launched at the Houses of Parliament this week by
Leeds North West MP Greg Mulholland.
The manifesto highlights serious problems with how the justice system deals with
cases of criminal driving, and makes a number of recommendations for
urgently needed change, to deliver better justice for victims and their
families. It has been developed by Greg Mulholland in partnership with Brake,
other campaigning organisations, bereaved families, and a cross party group of
MPs and peers.
Brake is optimistic that the manifesto will influence and add momentum to a
review of all driving charges and penalties currently being undertaken by the
Ministry of Justice.
Ed Morrow, campaigns officer for Brake, the road safety charity, said:-
"Greg has been a fantastic champion for reform of criminal driving charges and
penalties, and for better justice for victims and their families. We are proud
to support the launch of this manifesto, which echoes many of the calls of
Brake's crackdown campaign.
Through the support Brake offers to bereaved and injured road crash victims, we
see every day the devastating impact these crimes have. Many are left feeling
betrayed by the failings of the justice system, due to inappropriate charges and
lenient sentences. We are hopeful that this manifesto will help provide the
impetus for meaningful and long-lasting change, moving us towards a justice
system, and a society, that takes road crimes seriously and helps prevent more
tragedies in the future."
Brake campaigns for tougher penalties and stronger traffic enforcement through
its crackdown campaign. Tweet us: @Brakecharity, #crackdown.
Cheshire and Merseyside
domestic abuse campaign reveals true scale of the problem

CAMPAIGNERS raising awareness about
domestic abuse across Cheshire and Merseyside have been staggered by the number
of people who have shared their experiences and come forward to tell their
stories as part of the initiative.
Nearly 20,000 people have engaged with the:- 'Be a Lover not a Fighter'campaign which was launched by award winning actress Crissy Rock just over a
month ago.
The campaign has taken place via Facebook, online and at face to face engagement
events which have been taking place across the 9 local authority areas
Aimed at the general public, the campaign intended to breakdown boundaries and
uncover the scale and impacts of domestic abuse, often hidden issue in
communities. It asked people to pledge their support to help put an end to
domestic abuse and encouraged people to talk more about it.
Many have talked about it, with survivor stories being shared daily with the
team at their various engagement event locations or on social media.
1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have suffered domestic abuse with 2 women killed
every week in the UK by their partners. But it's not just physical violence;
emotional and psychological abuse is less well acknowledged but is also domestic
'Be a Lover not a Fighter' is the latest campaign run by Champs, a public
health collaborative of the Directors of Public Health across the nine local
authorities in Cheshire and Merseyside. It aims to generate discussion about
domestic abuse, its signs and impacts, while offering help through local
services, listed on the website, to bring the subject out into the open.

Matthew Ashton, the Director of Public Health spokesperson for the campaign
said:- "We expected that this campaign would get people talking and raise
the debate about domestic abuse generally. Encouraging people to talk about
domestic abuse is hard - people are often afraid to talk openly and the social
norm can be to accept that it is happening, so this is success. Through aiming
to raise awareness amongst the general public, we knew that we would also engage
with those who have experienced domestic abuse; support for this approach from
the public and survivors alike has been overwhelming.
What has also been highlighted is how common peoples' experience of domestic
abuse is; including the extreme outcomes of domestic abuse such as the murder
of a family member. We received so many survivor stories and pledges of support
for what the campaign is trying to achieve and how more needs to be done to
encourage people to talk, seek advice and report it."
Crissy Rock, who stars as Janey York in the hit TV series Benidorm said:-
"As a survivor of domestic abuse myself, I know how hard it can be to talk about
it. I commend those people who have come forward and shared their experiences so
that other people might be able to relate to what is happening and leave an
abusive relationship. Well done, if it's saved just one person it's been worth
Other celebrity support has come from, Shameless actress Karen Bryson, Hollyoaks
actress Jennifer Metcalfe, Everton Football Club's Ambassadors Ian Snodin,
Graham Sharp and Graham Stuart, and Miguel De Foro, from Britain's Got Talent's
MD Productions. They have all shared videos of support showing their 'heart
hands' on social media for the public to join in with their own.
For more information about the campaign go to:-
LoverNotFighter.Org.UK. |