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Weekly Edition - 28 March 2015


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Create homes for birds and bugs this Easter with the RSPB
Photographs by Nick Upton (RSPB-Images.Com).

This is a bug hotel, which families can make at the ‘Build a wildlife hotel’ event at RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands this Easter holiday.  Photo by Nick Upton.

FAMILIES visiting RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands this Easter break are being encouraged to get creative and help build homes for nature, both on the reserve and where they live.

As the days get longer and warmer, birds are seeking places to build a nest and raise a family. One way to give our feathered friends a helping hand is to put up a wooden nest box, and families are invited to create their own nest box at a special event on Tuesday, 7 April 2015, at Burton Mere Wetlands.

Running from 10am TO 4pm, families can build a nest box from a ready made kit, paint it and take it home to put up in the garden or yard and encourage birds to nest there.

Dan Trotman, Visitor Experience Manager for the RSPB Dee Estuary reserve, said:- "Birds naturally build a suitable nest in a tree or bush, but unfortunately there are a lot fewer trees and bushes than there used to be. Even at Burton Mere Wetlands, where there is plenty of woodland, we have put dozens of nest boxes up to help make birds' lives easier and families can do that too. The nest box building events at the reserve are always hugely popular and a lot of fun, so we expect this Easter's event to be no exception; and who knows, we may even spot the Easter bunnies around the reserve."

Spring sees the return of many creepy crawlies that have been lying dormant for the cold winter months, just in time to provide a vital food source for birds to feed their young. To help provide a home for these bugs, the team at Burton Mere Wetlands is calling for all ages to come along and help make a wildlife hotel on the reserve during the Easter holidays.

Dan added:- "There is plenty of insect life around the reserve, but we want to help provide a home for even more creepy crawlies. By building a bug hotel from stacks of wood, stone, plastic pipes and plant pots, it is not only brilliant for bugs, but creatures such as frogs and toads can also seek shelter. Another great thing about these artificial wildlife homes is they are a fantastic way to make use of old waste materials from around the garden, something that we hope families will choose to replicate at home. Through these 2 exciting events, we want to show people how they can make a huge difference to the amount of wildlife they see in their garden or yard, by simply making a home for nature. It's a fun learning experience for children to be able to use tools to assemble the nest box, paint their unique design and take it home for the garden, while building a wildlife hotel provides the ideal opportunity for kids to have fun and hopefully be inspired to make something similar at school or home."

The:- "Build yourself a bird box" event costs:- £8 per nestbox (£7 for RSPB/Wildlife Explorer members). Places are limited therefore advanced booking is necessary. To book please call the reserve on:- 0151 353 8478.

" Build a wildlife hotel"
runs from Tuesday, 14 April 2015 to Thursday, 16 April 2015, between 10am to 4pm. It is free of charge, but normal entry fees apply to non-members.

Other fun, free seasonal activities will be available throughout the school holidays.

For more information on the reserve and its activities, please call the reserve on:- 0151 353 8478, or check out the website.


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