McBusted Rocks Liverpool!
Photographs by

THE English pop rock group,
McBusted , who are composed of members from bands
McFly and Busted, headed to the Liverpool Arena and Conference Centre (ACC), on
Kings Dock, on 31 March 2015. The line up of this 6 piece super group has seen
them have unprecedented success with sell out after sell out, venue after venue.
This success to pull in the fans was again demonstrated in Liverpool; ticket
prices starting at £48.30, bitter, high winds outside and heavy rain to boot,
did not deter followers from attending.
McBusted is billed as:- "The world's
biggest super group" and its shows as they definitely pulled in quite a crowd as
was the case on the night. The band crashed onto the stage, quickly getting fans
participating in the show through gestures and calls to join in. However, the
first half was more about the music with the second half focused more on having
fun with the audience. This format went down well with fans as they delivered
yet another impressive performance. If you attend, please do let us know what
you thought of the show via emailing us to:-

The Formby Walk of Witness 2015
Report and photo/video by Patrick

THE annual Walk of Witness took place in Formby Village on Good Friday, 3 April
2015. Sadly, the weather meant a far lower turn out than in previous years, but
those who did go watched a very well run enactment of the Story of Easter.
Good Friday Walk and Passion Play' had a cast of over 40 volunteers who dressed
in costume and re-enacted the build up to the crucifixion and the crucifixion of
Christ. Starting from outside Boots the procession moved through the Village
centre and ended at the Formby Pool, were an outside play come service was put
on by Churches Together, in Formby, Altcar and Hightown. These are some of the
photos we took at the event.

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