Simple Minds play live at
Liverpool Empire
Photographs by Jo

FRESH from launching the bands 1st
album in 5 years and performing live, onstage, to over 130,000 people in the UK
alone, last year,
Minds are again back on the road again.
This new tour for 2015 has the band performing on 29 dates across the UK started
27 March and goes through to 4 May 2015. One of the stops of this tour was in
Liverpool's Empire Theatre, on Thursday, 2 April 2015. The band, have now bee
playing for over 30 years and have produced some of the worlds most innovative
and enduring anthems in rock music, so it is no wonder they packed out the
Simple Minds then proceeded to deliver an
outstanding performance proving to any doubters who might have been attending
that they are truly:- "1 of the best live bands in the world." The
very lively music and atmosphere was helped by the amazing stage lighting. Did
you attend? If you did, did you agree that this was a fantastic show? Please
email us with your views of this show to:- and let us know!
