Channel 5 television cameras
film Southport election fever
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.

TV host, newsreader and journalist,
Crosby visited Southport on Friday,
10 April 2015, along with the Channel
5's 2015 Election Mobile Studio. In total 2
programmes had been broadcast live
for Channel 5, that night, from outside Silcocks Funland, as part of the lead up
to the election on 7 May 2015 Elections. Camera crews from Channel 5 News had
picked the resort as 1 of it's 1st stops of the programme's tour though out the
UK over the next 4 weeks. Presenter Emma
Crosby told us:- "This 2015
General Election will be 1 of the tightest election races in memory, affecting
people at a local levels. We are looking at regional factors as well as the
national picture throughout our series of programs, picking places like
Southport, as well as Cities to get a clear picture of what is going on."
Being interviews where Director of Postgraduate Research, Politics, Prof
Tonge BA MA PhD, from Liverpool
University and Dr Victoria Claire
Honeyman, from University of
Leeds. The show is said to have picked
Southport, due to "UKIP's sharp rise in popularity" with in the
Town in what has traditionally been safe Liberal Democrat seat. This rise in
interest could now see, on the election day, Southport becoming a marginal
seats. Please email us your views and thoughts about this Election to:- We are keen to hear from anyone from
any political party who are standing within Merseyside as well as our readers!
