Local residents urged to:- "Love Allerton
LIVERPOOL'S Lord Mayor, Councillor Erica Kemp CBE will be
showing her support to businesses on Allerton Road on Saturday, 18 April 2015, from 9am to 3pm.
The event will be in partnership with Geraud Markets are holding their 2nd Love Allerton Road event to promote the
area as a vibrant shopping and leisure area.
Councillor Erica Kemp said:- "This event has been hugely popular in the
past and I hope that a combination of sunshine and family fun will encourage
lots of local residents to come and support these fantastic business right on
their doorstep.
With lots going on for children and adults there is sure to be something for
everyone, this is a great opportunity to come and see what's on offer in your
local area." The businesses have organised family activities, outdoor entertainment and in
store promotions to encourage residents to make the most of the sunshine and
visit Allerton Road.
Activities will include:-
► Go-karts.
► Inflatable Subuteo pitch for football fans and penalty shoot out in the car
park on Garthdale Road.
► Wine, beer and food tastings in various stores along Allerton Road.
► As usual Geraud Market will be supporting the event with the farmers market.
► Children's reading session provided by The Reader Organisation.
► A Barber's Shop Quartet.
And to make sure you don't miss anything simply keep an eye out on Facebook for
"Celebrate Allerton Road", where everything will be posted the minute
it's confirmed, and where a full schedule of events can be found in time for the
event itself.