Three Queens timings
Photographs by Colin and Linda Trollope
THERE are just over 4 weeks to go
until maritime history is made on the River Mersey. For the 1st time, the
Three Cunard Queens; Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary 2; will
sail into Liverpool together as part of the One Magnificent City celebrations,
marking the 175th Anniversary of Cunard.
This unforgettable spectacular, which is a salute to the company's spiritual
home, will take place during the May bank holiday. The 3 ships will only be
together for a short time on Monday, 25 May 2015, but activities will take place across
the weekend.
Saturday, 23 May
2015 10pm Amazing Graces state-of-the-art projections on the Three Graces
exploring the spirit of Liverpool.
(Please note, all the times are approximate and, particularly in relation to the
movement of the Three Queens, are subject to change.
OneMagnificentCity.Co.UK and @OMCLpool will have the most
up to date information throughout the event)
Sunday, 24 May 2015
9am Queen Mary 2 arrives in the City and berths at Liverpool Cruise Liner
Terminal 10pm Amazing Graces projections
10.30pm Firework display
(Please note, all the times are approximate and, particularly
in relation to the movement of the Three Queens, are subject to change.
OneMagnificentCity.Co.UK and @OMCLpool will have the most
up to date information throughout the event)
Monday, 25 May 2015
10.45am Queen Mary 2 leaves the berth to greet her 2 sisters at Brazil Buoy
(on the river between Crosby Beach and New Brighton).
12pm to 2pm Three Queens meet and sail in formation south towards the
Liverpool Echo Arena, and then north along the Mersey.
2.10pm Queen Mary 2 leaves the City, Queen Elizabeth berths at the Cruise
Liner Terminal and Queen Victoria anchors in the middle of the Mersey.
10pm Amazing Graces projections.
10.30pm Firework display, after which Queen Elizabeth leaves the City and
Queen Victoria berths at the Cruise Liner Terminal.
(Please note, all the times are approximate and, particularly
in relation to the movement of the Three Queens, are subject to change.
OneMagnificentCity.Co.UK and @OMCLpool will have the most
up to date information throughout the event)
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
4.30pm A special musical sail-away performance to say:- "goodbye" to Queen
5pm Queen Victoria sails out of the City.
A full set of FAQs can be found at:-
OneMagnificentCity.Co.UK answering questions and giving
advice on all aspects of the event.
(Please note, all the times are approximate and, particularly in relation to the
movement of the Three Queens, are subject to change.
OneMagnificentCity.Co.UK and @OMCLpool will have the most
up to date information throughout the event)
...Travel Advice...
Across the weekend it is anticipated huge numbers of people will head to the
City to be part of the celebrations, with the main focus being on Monday, 25 May
when hundreds of thousands are expected to flock to both sides of the Mersey to
experience a bit of maritime history.
Transport partners are encouraging people to start planning their journeys to
and from the event, regardless of how far they're travelling, and maybe think
differently about which mode of transport to use.
To see your options and for help in planning your journey, visit:-
Due to the massive demand on the network key advice includes:-
► Travel updates and alerts will be posted on
MerseyTravel.Gov.UK, or if further help is needed in
planning a journey before or during the event, call Traveline on:- 0151 236 7676
or 0871 200 22 33. You may also want to follow @Merseytravel on Twitter and look
out for #3queenstravel.
► If you're local, consider staying local. The Three Queens will be a full
waterfront and coastal spectacle with opportunities to view from Liverpool,
Wirral and Sefton. Walking and cycling may be the fastest and easiest way to get
to and from the event.
► If you live in the Liverpool City Region, use public transport as services
will be strengthened.
► Mainline train services from Manchester, Wigan and Crewe directions will be
particularly busy. If you live in the area and normally take the City line into
Liverpool, you may want to consider taking the bus.
► Be prepared. As this is an event of national and international significance,
so it goes without saying that it will be extremely busy and there will be
queues. Plan ahead, leave plenty of time to get where you want to go and please
be patient.
► If you're visiting from further afield or have mobility issues, car parking
will be available.
► Some of the events during the Three Queens weekend will finish late which
means significant demand for transport services from 10pm. Don't leave it too
late; allow time to get to the stop or station and for there to be queues when
you arrive there. Consider what your alternative options may be in getting home.
Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, said:-
"Liverpool is a City well versed
in staging huge events with an international focus, and this May bank holiday
weekend will be no exception.
For months there has been a buzz around the City about the arrival of the three
majestic liners on the Mersey. Hotel rooms have been snapped up and people are
travelling far and wide to take in this maritime spectacle.
Although the ships will only be together for a short period of time on the
Monday, there is a whole programme of events taking place across the weekend to
keep the expected huge crowds entertained. As well as the meeting of the Three
Queens the much anticipated Amazing Graces projections will be a highlight for
many as we'll see the Three Graces in a whole new light.
Without a doubt it's going to be exceptionally busy on both sides of the river
and our transport network will be put under a great deal of pressure and we want
visitors to plan their journeys as much as possible.
For more than a year we've been working with transport partners and other
organisations such as Merseyside Police to make sure everyone rises to the
challenge for what could be 1 of the busiest weekend's the region has
I have no doubt that Liverpool will shine under the international spotlight and
this will be an unforgettable moment in the City's history for all the right
Cunard Director, Angus Struthers, said:-
"After many years of planning, in just over 4 weeks Liverpool will host the gathering of our three majestic
Queens on the Mersey. The event will provide a spectacle that will live long in
the memories of those who attend.
If the excitement and buzz that there is currently around the City is an
indication of the reception the fleet is going to receive over the 3 day
period then it is difficult to describe the excitement, emotion and passion
there will be at the time. The Fleet is coming!"
The Three Queens weekend forms part of One Magnificent City; a 7 week
programme of events celebrating Liverpool's internationally renowned maritime
history and transatlantic links. It begins on Friday, 15 May 2015, with the cultural
celebration that is LightNight and runs until the weekend of the 4 July 2015, when
Liverpool will host the UK's biggest Independence Day celebrations under the
banner Transatlantic 175. Throughout the seven weeks various activities will be
held which mark the 175th Anniversary of Cunard.
For more information visit:-
OneMagnificentCity.Co.UK or follow @OMCLpool
on Twitter and One Magnificent City Liverpool on Facebook. Up-to-date details
can also be found at:-, @cruiselpool or
Liverpool Cruise Terminal on Facebook.
You can use our mobile information page for this event, via
clicking on
Not directly related
If you are interested to find out about other maritime visitors in the Mersey
that are visiting Liverpool's Cruise Liver.
For more information on which ships are calling in to Liverpool and when,
please go to:- |