Southport retirees living longer thanks to their friends
MCCARTHY and Stone is celebrating friendship in 2015, and
is inviting retirees in Southport to visit its Brunlees Court Assisted Living
development, to see the thriving community that is developing there 1st hand.
During the past 38 years, thousands of friendships have been forged at McCarthy
and Stone developments across the UK and the benefits are clear to see as recent
research indicates that friendships are both good for your health and can even
prolong your life. A study monitored 1,500 people over the age of 70 and found
that those with the largest friendship group outlived those with the smallest by
an amazing 22%.*
In addition, other studies have shown that keeping in contact with a variety of
friends in later life can lower the risk of developing dementia, reduce stress
and aid recovery from an illness.
Fiona Brooks, Regional Sales and Marketing Director at McCarthy and Stone
Northern, explains:- "There are many benefits to living at Brunlees Court,
but the enriching friendships that are made among our retirement communities has
to be one of the most valuable. We understand that retaining independence is
important to our homeowners and our 1st class apartments provide both space and
privacy, but also the benefit of having a fantastic group of friends on their
Brunlees Court on Cambridge Road aims to bridge the gap between conventional
Retirement Living and residential care.
Homeowners are able to retain their
independence through home ownership, yet still have the peace of mind from a
range of 24/7 security and support services, as well as a thriving community of
new friends close by.
Brunlees Court boasts an impressive list of facilities, such as a fantastic
table service restaurant which offers a daily 3 course lunch, a guest suite
for when visitors want to stay over and a homeowners' lounge for socialising
with other residents, with all the maintenance and gardening taken care of by a
professional and friendly team. Every homeowner receives 1 hour of domestic
support each week, which can be topped up if required, to help with their needs
whether it's cleaning, washing, or even grocery shopping.
Anyone interested in Assisted Living at Brunlees Court is invited to call:- 01704
510731 or visit the marketing suite, open between:- 10.30am to 5.00pm daily.
Alternatively, please visit:-
* Source:- The Australian Longitudinal Study of Aging.