71 year old woman jailed for
12 years for the historic Child Abuse
A 71 year old woman from Bootle was
jailed yesterday for 12 years for the historic sexual abuse of 2 young girls.
Barbara King and her husband Tommy, who died in 1992, committed multiple
offences against both girls during separate decades.
King was arrested last January after the
1st victim, who was just 7 years old at the time, but is now aged in her 40's,
came forward.
The 2nd victim, who was 12, but is now in her
50's, then heard about the arrest and came forward in February 2014.
Neither woman knew each other or met during
the Police Investigation yet both made similar allegations of sexual abuse over
prolonged periods having lived in the same neighbourhood as the Kings in the
1970's and 1980's. Detectives from the force's specialist Unity Team
investigated both allegations and provided support to both women as the case
progressed to Court.
In victim personal statements read out at
Liverpool Crown Court, they both spoke about the damaging effect that the Kings'
crimes had had on them and their relief at speaking out and seeing Barbara King
The 1st victim said:- "When the abuse happened I was young and did not
know what was happening to me and to some degree although I did not like what
was going on, I thought at the time it was 'normal'. It was only when I got
older I realised the full extent of what they had done to me. Barbara King has
no idea how she and her husband have affected my life. I am so glad I had the
courage and support to come forward and report the abuse and that I was
believed. It will take time for me now it is over to start to rebuild my life
and I intend to carry on with the support networks in order to have some closure
on what has taken place."
The 2nd victim said:- "Barbara and Tommy King have ruined my life from an
early age. I began to self harm as a result of becoming more aware of what had
actually happened to me a few years earlier. It was when I became older I
realised what had happened. I could not mention the abuse to anyone as I was
scared and felt I would not be believed so I just out it to the back of my mind.
All I have ever wanted is to block the thoughts of the abuse from my mind and be
happy, be normal. I can't forgive them for what they did to me. They have ruined
my life. I am glad I did eventually report the abuse I suffered even though it
can be traumatic from start to finish. I would encourage others in the same
position to so do and I'm sorry I didn't deal with it earlier. I hope now that I
get some normality in my life. I will carry on with the support I have and I
know eventually I will become at peace."
Speaking after the sentencing, detective constable Trish Lacey, the case
officer, said:- "The victims have shown immense courage in coming forward
to tell their story and help the Police and CPS bring a manipulative and
coercive sexual offender to justice. They have been supported throughout by
officers within the Unity team as well as other agencies who have always
believed in their allegations, have always listened with sensitivity and
compassion and put their interests 1st. The Kings, like other sexual offenders,
took advantage of their victims' vulnerabilities by pretending to be offering a
sanctuary in their home and gaining their trust through kindness. It was only
years later that they were able to comprehend the crimes that had been committed
against them and the damaging effect these terrible experiences had had on them.
I would like to urge all victims of sexual abuse out there, whether they were
abused decades ago or days ago, to find the courage within themselves to make
that difficult 1st step and tell someone. It doesn't have to be the Police, it
can be 1 of the many support agencies who are there to help. The important this
is tell someone and not suffer in silence any more."
For more information about child sexual exploitation visit:-
Will 'Parking' issue
in Formby close the remaining businesses?

A warning has been sent out to Sefton
as more businesses are set to close in Formby Village and more charity shops are
looking at opening. This comes as Sefton MBC has announced that following
a proposal to start charging, 7 days a week, from 8am to 6pm, at Sumner Road,
Formby. The local businesses say that this proposal, that is under scrutiny, is
just aimed at raising more cash, via the proposed 'Pay and Display'
areas are not aimed at helping the local area. Local businesses that are
already in danger of closing fear now that the end is very much in site. Already
1 is due to close in the next month and others are now considering closing!
"As the death knell tolls this is the nail in the coffin for our once
fantastic Village. It is fact that I say the Village is in decline. Just look at
the shops closing and the amount of charity shops within it! We don't want to
close, but we have no option. The cash is no longer flowing into the tills, it
is just flowing out. If true, this is just rubbing salt in an open wound. It is
Sefton MBC blatantly looking at the local areas as cash cows with out any
thought for the long term. Residents are already being pushed to use the
Supermarkets by Sefton, who say:- 'Shop Local' and
then force people to so the opposite!"

Please let us know your thoughts about the
parking charges that are proposed not just in Formby, but also in other areas
where local small businesses are fighting to stay alone, in Churchtown and
Blundellsands. The other 2 areas would also operate 7 days a week, from 10am to
5pm, at Churchtown's Botanic Garden, along with Burbo Bank, Blundellsands, that
would run from 10am to 5pm. Would the changes in those areas or in Formby affect
you? Let us know what you think as well! Email us to:-
news24@southportreporter.com. Are we really being forced to:-
"pay for the privilege to shop local" with what some say is:- "yet
another unfair tax on families and businesses?"
Prevent - Merseyside Inter
Faith forum (M.I.F.F)
MERSEYSIDE Police's 'Prevent
Team', hosted its 1st Merseyside Inter Faith forum (M.I.F.F) meeting.
The aim of the group is to bring together leaders of different faiths to create
a support network along with Merseyside Police. The 1st event, held at
Merseyside Police's headquarters, brought together 11 leaders from the Muslim
community, who have similar roles, to share their experience and positive work
that goes on in the community. The group heard from Dr Usama Munir, from
the Imam Trust in St Helens, who gave a presentation on Meet Your Muslim
Neighbour (MYMN) and the volunteering work they're doing in the community and
giving ideas that can be adopted in other communities. 'Prevent'
Sergeant Darren Taylor said:- "This was the 1st event of its kind and
there was a great atmosphere and a genuine excitement to be part of something
new. In the near future we want to see not only leaders from the same faith get
together, but people from all different faiths to create a support network,
where we can all come together and equally support each other. We've found that
regardless of beliefs we all come across the same issues in the community."
M.I.F.F is always looking for new members; the group aims to meet every
12 weeks and keeps in contact with members with a regular newsletter. For more
information or to find out more about M.I.F.F or Prevent contact Darren Taylor
at or search #merpolprevent on Twitter. For more information on
'Prevent' visit:-
Merseyside.Police.UK. |