Southport to host Charles
Chipperfield Circus

THE Charles Chipperfield Circus is
making the 1st ever visit to Southport in over 25 years. A performance not to be
missed full of fun excitement and danger featuring from Venezuela Flying trapeze
award winning clowns and Wheel of Death. The Chipperfield's Circus is a long
running English family show that can be traced back to the Thames Frost Fair of
1684. The show takes place from, Wednesday, 10 June to Sunday, 14 June 2015, at
Southport's Pleasureland Car Park, on Marine Drive, PR8 1RX. Show times are from
5pm to 7:30pm Wednesday to Friday and Saturday 2pm, 5pm and 7:30pm, with Sunday
showings 2pm and 4:30pm. To get 50% off voucher that is able to be used every
night except on Friday, please click on
here and print
it off, but do not forget to take it with you! If booking on the phone in
advance please say:- "Please can you accept the Southport & Mersey
Reporter 50% Offer." when booking. Book now on:- 07500365231. Please
note that terms and conditions can be found on the Circus Facebook Page and also
on their main
website., PBT Media Relations Ltd. or PCBT Photography take no
responsibility for this event or the offer. The voucher has no monetary value.
Young volunteers gaining
edge in competition for jobs, finds local charity
AS youth unemployment continues to run
at around 3 times the national average, a survey by the national disabled
people's charity Revitalise to mark National Volunteers Week has found that
volunteering provides a vital boost for young people to get ahead in the race
for the workplace.
Revitalise; which runs the Sandpipers Centre in Southport, providing respite
holidays for disabled people and carers; runs the largest residential volunteer
programme of any UK charity and carried out the study to gain insights into the
experience of its current and former volunteers.
Each year around 2,000 volunteers give a total of over 4,000 weeks of their time
in order to live and work at Revitalise's centres, enabling the charity's
disabled guests to take full advantage of the inclusive social activities and
excursions provided.
The challenges facing younger people in getting a foothold in the world of work
were of particular interest to Revitalise, since around 8 out of 10 of its
volunteers are aged between 16 and 25.
Revitalise's survey found that over half the charity's 16 to 25 year old volunteers
were unemployed, compared with less than a quarter of 26 to 45 year olds. However,
84% of the 16 to 25 year olds believed that volunteering had improved their
prospects of getting paid work.
Of the 16 to 25 year olds, now in work, 48% said that volunteering had helped them
gain paid employment and 80% believed that volunteering had improved their
prospects of advancement in their jobs.
Revitalise is holding up the study's findings as evidence that volunteering can
play a vital role in giving young people the confidence and focus to facilitate
an easier transition into the world of work.
Revitalise Chief Executive Chris Simmonds commented:- "Youth unemployment
should be of grave concern across the political spectrum. If this issue is not
addressed we could end up with a generation of young people who are
underprepared for the many challenges of life.
Feeling a useful part of society is vital to the morale of young people just
starting out in life and our survey proves that volunteering for worthy causes
of one's own choosing can work wonders in making young people feel needed and
Revitalise is over 50 years old and we owe our very existence to the
inspirational efforts of volunteers, so I'd like to appeal to young people to
try their hand at volunteering with us and give their lives and career prospects
a much-needed boost." Commenting on her recent experience as a Revitalise volunteer, Sarah Gallagher
said:- "When I first arrived at Revitalise I had no confidence and found
it extremely difficult to talk to anyone. Now I have become more aware of who I
am and have the confidence to lead my own life. I am currently working as a
Neurological Rehabilitation Assistant. If it wasn't for Revitalise and the
people I have helped I wouldn't be where I am now. Working with Revitalise has
helped me realise my potential and I now have the confidence to do my nursing
Revitalise is a national charity providing respite holidays for disabled people
and carers at Sandpipers and two other accessible centres in Chigwell and
Southampton. Each centre provides 24 hour nursing care on call, personal support
and a range of accessible excursions, activities and entertainment.
People wanting more information about volunteering for Revitalise are requested
to call:- 0303 303 0147,
email or visit:-
Revitalise.Org.UK. |
Charity dispels man flu

THE leading UK meningitis charity is
warning that 'man flu' could be life threatening and urges men to get
unusual symptoms checked out.
Men are notorious for ignoring health warnings and avoiding visits to the
doctor. Matt Barrow, from Perranporth, Cornwall, has contracted the disease
twice and is backing health professionals at Meningitis Now, encouraging men to
take flu-like symptoms seriously.
The advice supports Men's Health Week (15 June to 21 June), a national initiative
designed to raise awareness of preventable health problems and early detection
of disease among men and boys.
Matt said:- "We often think 'this will never happen to me' but it
does. Meningitis strikes fast and symptoms that initially seem like simple flu
can deteriorate rapidly. I would encourage anyone who is suffering from any
unusual symptoms to get it checked out; don't just wait for a rash."
Meningitis does not only occur in children and can affect anyone, at any time.
Matt 1st contracted meningitis is 2010. He said:- "Everything happened
extremely quickly. I went to bed with toothache and awoke in the middle of the
night being sick. Before I knew it I couldn't walk or talk. I didn't know simple
things like my date of birth, who my wife was or where I was.
I was put in an induced coma in critical care for 5 days and woke up feeling
extremely unwell with terrible hallucinations.
4 years on, I contracted the disease again, spending a further 2 days in a
coma and nine days in critical care. I am now deaf in my right ear."
Meningitis Now is the UK's leading charity working to save lives and rebuild the
futures of people affected by meningitis through research, support and
For more information, visit:-
Survey shows many
ill equipped for property market
MANY people wishing to climb onto the
property ladder are hampering their hopes of finding a home due to poor
preparation, warns a Wirral law firm.
A survey commissioned by QualitySolicitors has shown 72% of would-be purchases
failing to check their credit rating, 59% not bothering to secure a mortgage in
principle, whilst another 74% fail to get a solicitor in place beforehand.
David Roberts of QualitySolicitors David Roberts & Co said that with the
property market in a healthy position following the election, buyers need to be
sharp to ensure they stay ahead.
"Many are making mistakes, which leave them missing out on the homes of
their dreams. The market has reacted favourably to the General Election result and the
wide spread message from a range of experts and analysts is that we are in a
period of steady house growth, with bricks and mortar once again seen as the
safest investment. However, there is a naivety by many people who need a little help at what
is a stressful time. Getting the three components of top credit ratings, a mortgage in
principle and a reliable solicitor in place certainly gives an edge to a buyer
because the number of sellers who suffer from time wasters and delays is
substantial." said Mr Roberts, whose firm is based in New Brighton.
The survey by QualitySolicitors was conducted in March and involved 500 people
across the country who had bought a property in the past two years for their
views. Nurse recruitment open day
at Ormskirk Hospital
ORMSKIRK hospital is hosting a
recruitment event for nurses interested in working at Southport and Ormskirk
Hospital NHS Trust.
It follows a very successful similar event at Southport hospital last month at
which more than a dozen nurses were offered posts.
The event is an opportunity for newly qualified and experienced nurses to meet
other nurses and team members, and discover what opportunities are available.
Nurses wanting to return to practice are also welcome. There are vacancies
available in both hospital and community nursing and across all specialties.
Nurses who want an informal interview on the day should bring along
There will also be a chance for tours around the hospital and representatives
will be on hand from nurse education to explain how the Trust supports nurses in
their career development.
The event will be held at Ormskirk hospital Education Centre on Wednesday, 10
June 2015, between 4pm and 8pm. Light refreshments will be available for all those
To view all current vacancies at the Trust visit:-
and search for Southport and Ormskirk.