2,000 participants took part
in Liverpool's Run or Dye colourful 5km at Aintree Racecourse
ON Saturday, 6 June 2015, 2,000 runners took
part in the world's most colourful 5km, running, walking and dancing, filling
the legendary Aintree Racecourse with colour. Bringing the spectacular explosion
of Run or Dye colour to the Racecourse, the event saw runners and walkers of all
ages and abilities to enjoy the most colourful event Liverpool has ever seen.

Running, walking and even dancing their way around the course at Aintree,
participants were showered with eco-friendly, plant-based cornstarch dye in a
rainbow of colours. Runners and their supporters celebrated their achievement
with the world's most colourful party, the famous Dye Festival with DJ Sam
making sure the celebrations kept going. Run or Dye will take place at 13 more
events throughout the year across the UK so fans have plenty of opportunity to
get involved and take part in an event.

Help for Heroes is the official national
charity partner and wounded servicemen, women and veterans ran alongside members
of the public taking part supporting the charity. Volunteers from local charity
partner, Liverpool Pride covered the runners from head to toe with dye
throughout the course as families, friends and colleagues ran and walked
Inspired by the ancient Hindu festival of Holi, also known as the:-
'Festival of Colours', Run or Dye gives runners, walkers and all speeds in between,
the opportunity to experience and celebrate in full colour the thrill of the
Festival and introduce the idea of:- 'living life on purpose'. Participants
can run dressed in white and run ready or in their favourite and most
extravagant costumes.

Forthcoming 2015 Run or Dye events...
► 27 June 2015 - Cheshire, Cholmondeley Castle.
► 5 July 2015 - Kent, Penshurst Place.
► 11 July 2015 - Bournemouth, Kings Park.
► 18 July 2015 - Perth, Scone Palace.
► 25 July 2015 - Ipswich, Chantry Park.
► 1 August 2015 - North Yorkshire, Castle Howard.
► 5 September 2015 - Paris, l'Hippodrome de Chantilly.
► 12 September 2015 - Galway, Ireland, Lough Cutra Castle.
► 20 September 2015 – Stansted Park, Portsmouth.
► 26 September 2015 - Oxford, Cornbury Park.
► 3 October 2015 - South London, Hever Castle.
► 10 October 2015 - Derbyshire, Chatsworth.
► 18 October 2015 - Edinburgh, Hopetoun House.
RunOrDye.Co.UK for registration and more information.
and University of Liverpool team up to attempt world land speed record

RATHBONE Brothers Plc (Rathbones) have
announced that it will provide principal sponsorship for the University of
Liverpool's project to design and build ARION1, a bicycle which will attempt to
break the land speed record for fastest human powered vehicle, and bring the
record to the UK for the 1st time.
The project will see a team of undergraduate students from the University of
Liverpool's School of Engineering attempt the record in September 2015, as
part of the 'World Human Power Speed Challenge.' This event,
if you do not know, is an annual event held in Battle
Mountain, Nevada, USA. The current men's record is 83.13mph and the women's record is
75.69mph. The University of Liverpool team hopes to break the 90mph barrier,
which would set new world records for both men and women.
ARION1 is a 'recumbent' bicycle, where the cyclist pedals in a laid back
reclining position. As such the rider acts as the ARION1's engine and the
University of Liverpool Team have partnered with leading sports scientists from
Liverpool John Moores and Liverpool Hope Universities, who have helped select
and train the riders and provide ongoing support in the way of nutrition and
performance monitoring.
Philip Howell, Chief Executive of Rathbones, said:- "Becoming the
principal sponsor of ARION1 is a wonderful opportunity to support an
enterprising project at the cutting edge of technology and to encourage this
team of engineering students. Rathbones has its roots in Liverpool and this
endeavour combines the talents from across the city. Our 'Look forward' tagline
is the essence of Rathbones' new brand and our sponsorship of ARION1 highlights
our support for Britain's young entrepreneurs and future leaders."
Dr Tim Short from the University of Liverpool said:- "This is a really
exciting opportunity for engineering students at the University of Liverpool to
put into practice all the skills they've learnt; and more besides; on a
world-class engineering product. By linking in with the sports scientists, the
students have put together a real, interdisciplinary team that represents the
best way of designing new products. And hopefully we'll collect a World Record
into the bargain!"
Further information about the ARION1 project can be found
Regus Survey Shows That
Liverpool Commuting Costs Continue to Climb
LIVERPOOL workers are battling with
increasing commuting costs according to a survey of over 4,000 senior business
people across the UK by the world's largest workplace provider, Regus.
With train fares and petrol costs continuing to rise, the results show that 35%
pay out more than 5% of their salary on commuting.
The average proportion of pay spent on commuting by UK workers is now 4%, a rise
from 3% in 2010.
Commuting costs are contributing to a rise in the number of UK professionals
looking to work flexibly. Business centres offer a professional, convenient
alternative for those looking to avoid long, expensive, and sometimes difficult,
journeys into the office.
Richard Morris, UK CEO, Regus comments:- "Businesses that want to retain
and attract top talent cannot fail to address the issue of the costly commute.
Flexible working can provide a solution. By offering their employees the
opportunity to work closer to home at least some of the time, our customers have
not only improved staff loyalty, but also seen an impact on productivity. Staff
that spend less time stuck in traffic jams or on crowded trains have more time
to apply themselves to the job in hand."
Study reveals 1/3 of British
adults don't know how to change a plug

WHAT did you do last weekend? Got on
with some cleaning, did a bit of gardening, changed a plug? It's particularly
unlikely you did that last one, as DIY; once the noble preserve of men
throughout the nation; is disappearing from our households faster than a 6 pack
of beer at a cricket match.
Trade building supplies and DIY specialists BuildingMaterials.co.uk asked over
1,000 Brits some questions about DIY and the answers might surprise you. Unlike
our grandparents' generation, we've lost the skills which mean we can turn our
hands to anything around the house, and prefer to throw money at the problem
A fairly shameful 32.3% of us don't even know how to change a plug! And the
worst offenders are the under 45s. It's the older generation who still know how
to get things done, however, as nearly 95% of the over 65s answered yes when
asked if they knew what wires went where. So perhaps it's worth asking your
granddad next time a fuse blows…
But if there's 1 thing you can rely on British men doing when it comes to DIY,
it's finding an excuse to wriggle out of it. A third of them will blame not
having the right tools (yeah, right…), while a creative 12.6% are likely to say
they can't do it because 'the weather isn't right.' Just how that would affect
putting up some shelves in the living room or changing a lightbulb, we're not
exactly sure… A very honest 7.1% of men just admit they would rather watch
sports on the telly, while 5.5% cop to having a hangover.
Which means it's no great surprise that the women of the house have come to
realise that if you want a job doing well (or even at all) you have to do it
yourself; just over a quarter of the country's womenfolk admit to doing the DIY
tasks in their home. Although a lazy 21.7% of households prefer to call in an
expert tradesman… Either way, men of Britain, you should be ashamed of
yourselves! |