Summer Tea Party to help
combat loneliness in over 55's

233 customers from Riverside Housing
Association attended the Merseyside Older People's Tea Party, on 19 August 2015,
at the Isla Gladstone. The afternoon of comedy, singing and dancing brought
together over 55's from across Merseyside, to help combat isolation.

Riverside Team Leader for Older Peoples'
Services, Linda Ahearn, said:- "We're committed to helping our customers
have full and engaged lives. Staying active, meeting new people and being out
and about is important for quality of life. Our housing is more than just the
basics of a roof over your head, it is a supportive, friendly community."

According to the Campaign to End Loneliness
there are 1 million lonely people in the UK. Loneliness has a detrimental impact
to health. A recent 2015 analysis in America by Brigham Young University
confirmed those who feel or are socially isolated or live alone are at a 30%
higher risk of early death.

Linda added:- "It's more than just a
jolly trip out, it's a lifeline, and we''re very grateful to all those who
helped make the event possible."

The Tea Party was sponsored by Lovells,
Pinnacle, George Doyle Window Cleaners, AV Communications, Caring Services,
Newry Formwork (NW), Firtree Landscapes, Tunstall and Dunbar & Boardman.

Transport was arranged to pick up customers
from housing schemes in Southport, Bootle, Wirral, and Liverpool. Attendees were
given questionnaires to stimulate new friendships and conversation, to share
memories such as their 1st date, the school they attended and their favourite

Attendees were entertained by singer Tony
Ravel and comedienne, Crissy Rock, and taught line dancing with Ann Harris.