Merseyside man takes on 15
challenges to beat Cystic Fibrosis

SEAN Chappell, 25, a Team Leader at the
University of Liverpool from Neston, Merseyside is taking on 15 challenges this
year to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust as he was diagnosed with
cystic fibrosis at 6 months old.
Most people don't understand what cystic fibrosis is, or what it does, until
someone close to them is affected by it. They soon discover it's a
life shortening genetic condition; only ˝ live to celebrate their 40th
birthday. It causes the internal organs, especially the lungs and digestive
system, to become clogged with thick sticky mucus, resulting in chronic
infections and inflammation of the lungs.
Sean tries not to let his condition affect him too much, he says:- "I've
had ups and downs, but I try not to let my cystic fibrosis affect me that much
and if it does, try to make it positive. I use keeping well as a motivation for
spending my time with people I love and doing things I love to.
The good thing is I've always had an amazing group of people around me and not
just family and friends. The team of doctors and nurses who looked after me at Arrowe Park Hospital, when I was younger and at Broadgreen
Hospital since I turned 18 have been amazing."

Sean set himself these 15 challenges because a lot of people have raised money
in his name and he has always wanted to give something back. He explains:-
"Inspired by people who take on mammoth tasks, I wanted to do something that
would really get people's attention, not for my own ego, but for other people or
families affected by CF. The challenges have been quite a lot tougher than I had
imagined, but we did do a 100 mile bike ride 3 weeks after running a marathon!
Eating enough has been tough as well. Having cystic fibrosis means I need more
than the normal amount of calories in a day anyway, but when it comes to
exercising and burning more calories, there isn't enough time in the day to eat
enough. My family think I'm mad. I've caused untold worry and stress by doing
all of this and I think they'll be glad when it's over. In all seriousness
though, they have been as supportive as they always have. Everyone's thrown
themselves into it and they're all getting involved in as many challenges as
they can do as well which is great. It really does seem to be promoting a
positive attitude towards life with cystic fibrosis."
Cystic Fibrosis Trust Community Development and Fundraising Manger, Serena
Wilson, says:- "The task that Sean has set himself to complete 15
challenges demonstrates his amazing motivation and determination and he should
be very proud of his achievements so far. We are very grateful for all the work
he is putting in to train for and complete these challenges for us. Money
raised will enable the Cystic Fibrosis Trust to invest in cutting edge research
to develop transformational treatments and life changing therapies. It will also
provide support to those with cystic fibrosis and their families and help the
Trust to drive up standards in medical care."
Anyone wanting to sponsor Sean may do so
Sean's challenges can be followed through his Facebook
Get involved in Wear Yellow Day, a part of
CysticFibrosis.Org.UK who are a registered as a charity in England and Wales (1079049) and in
Scotland (SC040196). A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and
Wales number 3880213.