Pupils bag £250 at
Church Square Shopping Centre thanks to winning artworks

ARTISTIC pupils at a St Helens
school have bagged £250 thanks to Church Square Shopping Centre.
Shoppers voted for their favourite work among the dozens of paintings and
drawings by pupils at Parish Church of England and Garswood Primary Schools,
which were on show at the busy shopping centre as part of the Yellow Door
Top of the votes was Parish Church of England Primary School, in Charles
Street, St Helens, which now gets a prize worth £250 to spend on equipment.
Young artists from Parish Primary, in Charles Street, St Helens, headed over
to see their paintings and drawings on display, and to meet Church Square
Shopping Centre Steven Brogan.
Teacher Catherine McDonald said:- "We were all absolutely delighted
that the management here at Church Square allowed us to display the
children's artwork. I know many parents and grandparents have been along to
see the display.
It made the children very happy indeed and helped give them a sense of
achievement and pride. It's been a really good exercise in community
involvement and, as a school, we were absolutely thrilled to put the art
work on show. We run a gifted and talented art club at the Parish Church of
England Primary School which most of our pupils access at some point during
the term. We have around 190 pupils at the school; art and being creative
are things we take very seriously in school. The work on display at Church
Square was completed in the summer term before school broke up for the
holiday. I normally teach reception children but I am involved in art
projects within school. We are currently working on one collective picture,
which is going to go on display at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool."

Church Square Shopping Centre manager Steven Brogan, says he was pleased
with the display of artwork produced by the pupils at Parish and Garswood
schools. "They certainly worked hard and, while some of the pictures
were very good, others were absolutely wonderful. I know the display has
been popular and we are pleased the children and their families have enjoyed
seeing the paintings and drawings.
It's important to us that we engage with the community we serve here in St
Helens and I've no doubt that we have some very talented artists in the
Town. Well done to them all."
Parish Primary pupil Megan Rigby's picture was inspired by artist Henri
Matisse's self portrait while fellow pupil Kaitlyn Cook created her own
alien. 7 year old Megan said:- "I enjoyed it. It took me about
half an hour to do and drawing a chair was the hard bit. I liked seeing my
picture on show."
Caitlin, who is aged 5, added that she was very pleased with her alien and
also loved seeing it up on display at the shopping centre.
Church Square Shopping Centre is open daily and home to a range of big name
stores; such as River Island, BHS, Boots and Superdrug; along with
independent retailers plus the busy St Mary's Market. Details on what's
happening at the centre