Social care services at Lime
and Sedgemoor in spotlight

THE next phase of a campaign to promote
Liverpool City Council's social care services is getting underway. 'The Care to Know Campaign' is designed to raise the profile of adult social
services and public health services to help people to stay independent for as
long as possible and improve their wellbeing.
Now 2 short films have been produced featuring the Lime Hub in Kensington and
Sedgemoor Dementia Support Centre in Norris Green.
Sedgemoor Dementia Support Centre provides a day service for individual's
including facilities such as a 4D interactive suite and a sensory garden.
The Lime provides day services for people who have a learning or physical
disability with facilities such as a hydrotherapy pool and 4D sensory room, as
well as a community cafe.
Each of the films showcases the innovative features of both services and through
interviews with the staff, service users and carers, highlights the benefits it
has brought to their lives.

Cabinet member for adult social care and health, Councillor Roz Gladden, said:-
"We want to help people understand what services are available and how
they can access them. We understand that health and social care can also
be seen as a maze, with patients and carers finding it difficult to find
credible and reliable information and people can be reluctant to ask for help.
By raising awareness of what services are on offer for individuals with low and
moderate needs that can help people to keep their independence and self manage
their health now, will help to prevent people from needing more critical care in
the future, which is really important due to the 58% cut in council funding from
Central Government."
The films can be found at
online and
will also be aired on Liverpool TV station Bay TV (Freeview channel 8 and Virgin
channel 159) for the next 6 weeks. The campaign website also has further
information on the range of care and support services funded by Liverpool
Council, Adult Social Services and Public Health.