Arriva Launches Online Lost
and Found

WITH over 100 forgotten and mislaid
items collected onboard its buses on a daily basis, the team at Arriva North
West have adopted the motto:- 'if you love it, don't lose it' to help save
customers from the heartache of leaving their precious belongings behind.
Arriva, which operates services across Southport, has received in excess of
35,000 phone calls from customers this year alone, all desperate to be reunited
with their possessions; with missing items including everything from false
teeth and umbrellas, to musical instruments, walking frames and even a few
children in prams!
Now, to ensure people are able to relocate their property swiftly and safely,
Arriva is asking those who are trying to track down their lost items to contact
them first through social media before picking up the phone.
Debra Heaton, marketing and communications manager from Arriva North West,
explained:- "If you can name it, we've probably found it on the back of a
bus at some point. We've had lonesome dogs, live ferrets, glass eyes, prosthetic
limbs, handcuffs, and all manner of weird and wonderful bits and pieces. And
whilst it sounds entertaining on the surface, we know only too well how
distressing forgetting things on public transport can be, so we really want to
make it easier for our customers to get in touch with us in their hour of need.
Our depots are full of things that need to find their rightful home, and we're
determined to help get them there, which is why we are asking people to go
online rather than phoning us, as social media really is the most immediate way
of alerting our local teams to your despair.
With more and more people using Twitter and Facebook as their favoured means of
communication, the likelihood of someone finding and posting about something
they have found onboard is quite high. And by using our special hashtag of #FindMeArriva
we can ensure that our dedicated customer service teams can monitor feeds,
respond and hopefully return lost property faster than they ever could
previously. It cuts out the middleman on the phone and reaches right out into
the local community; which is exactly where you need to be with such a tricky
task at hand."
Customers looking to relocate their lost property should contact them on both
Facebook and Twitter at:- 'NorthWestArriva' using:- '#FindMeArriva'. Alternatively, contact the
customer services team via the Live Chat facility on the Arriva website, or more detail, visit:-