Tom's celebrity joke book
raises cash in memory of his granddads

COMEDIANS, celebrities and even the
Royal Household have helped Tom Heyes write a joke book and raise £840 for
charity in memory of his 2 late granddads.
Tom, aged 11, presented half to staff at the Medical Day Unit, at Southport Hospital, where Peter Heyes, of Skelmersdale, was a patient until his death from
leukaemia. The remainder went to the British Heart Foundation in memory of David
Birchall, of Ormskirk. Both granddads were 67 and died within 18 months of each
The joke book was born when Tom, bored practicing his hand writing the usual
way, started writing out jokes instead. "Soon I had lots of jokes and I thought it would make a great book because
I wanted to raise some money in memory of my grandads," said Tom, from
Aughton, near Ormskirk.
He wrote a letter to 45 famous people asking them to contribute a joke,
including a joke of his own:-
Q. What do you call a man with a rubber toe?
A. Roberto!

Jokes came back from celebrities including Harry Hill, Peter Kay and Lucy
Meacock, and included this 1 from Peter Kay:- "Shakespeare walks into a pub. The landlord says:-
'You're bard!'"
Staff from the Royal Household at Kensington Palace sent 2 pages of jokes on
behalf of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
The Queen's lady in waiting, Jennifer Gordon Lennox, politely declined on Her
Majesty's behalf, but did return the stamp addressed envelope:- "you so
thoughtfully enclosed."
Tom's mum and dad, Neil and Claire Heyes, published 300 copies of the book
through their family business Heyes Opticians and sold them for £3 each, every
penny going to the 2 charities.
Neil said:- "It's been fantastic how supportive people have been and it's
great for Tom to have such another great memory of his grandads."
North West businesses
face further rental increases over next 12 months
BUSINESSES in the North West are
predicted to face further financial pressures, with commercial rents
expected to rise by 4% on average over the next 12 months, RICS (Royal
Institution of Chartered Surveyors) warned.
The quarterly RICS UK Commercial Market Survey (Q3 2015) reveals that North
West businesses, within the office and industrial sectors, are likely to
experience the most significant rental increases over the next 12 months, at
around 4.3% and 4.6% respectively, with London being the worst hit region
A lack of available leasehold commercial space in the North West combined
with rising demand for such property is placing upward pressure on rents.
Demand for commercial properties in the North West; from both renters and
investors; rose during the ⅓ quarter of the year (Q3), with 32% of
respondents reporting a rise in demand for retail space (up from 28% during
Q2), whilst 61% saw an increase in demand for offices (up from 40% in Q2).
Demand for industrial properties also rose considerably, with 61% of
respondents reporting a rise in demand; up from 46% during the previous
Consequently, commercial property values are expected to continue to rise
relatively strongly over the next 12 months.
A busier month after a very quiet summer. The level of enquiries has
increased. The main issue is now lack of stock.
Mike Redshaw, FRICS of Nolan Redshaw said:- "After a strong first
quarter, the general market seems to have plateaued, however investment
activity is increasing. The continued success of the Logistics Northsite in
Greater Manchester is restoring confidence in the commercial market and
mirrors the increase in activity within the logistics sector nationally."
Sarah Lewisbriggs of AMCAT UK Ltd in Whitehaven said:- "The market in
Whitehaven has been depressed for years, but has been positively affected by
the nuclear sector in the past 5 to 10 years. This effect is likely to
continue over the next 5 to 10 years, with the development of the new
nuclear plant. Whitehaven is likely to feel the main benefits from this,
although there could be spin off residential market benefits in other Towns
in the borough, as well as for Towns in neighbouring boroughs such as South
Lakes and Allerdale as a lot of the nuclear workers may choose to live
within the Lake District National Park area rather than the coastal areas."
RICS Chief Economist, Simon Rubinsohn said:- "While for individual
businesses, the rise in rental values might not be particularly welcome, as
a bellwether for the UK economy, the survey highlights some very reassuring
growth patterns. Nationwide, we're seeing a solid increase in demand for
commercial properties across retail, office and industrial sectors. In other
words, at the moment, however badly rental costs might pinch, they do not
appear a barrier to growth."
Appeal for Information following criminal
damage to cars in Sefton
MERSEYSIDE Police Detectives, in the Sefton area, have arrested 2 males, both
aged 20, from the Vauxhall area, following a number of incidents of criminal
damage against cars on Monday, 2 November 2015. The 1st incident took place just
before 10pm, when officers were called to Sankey Road, Maghull to reports a Ford
Fiesta had been in collision with a wall. There was no 1 injured during this
incident and officers believe the car was damaged by a 2nd vehicle. A short time
later, just after 10pm, officers received a report that a BMW, parked on Dodds
Lane, Maghull, had also been damaged by another car. Again no 1 was in the car
at the time and no 1 was injured. Then at around 10.15pm on Sherwoods Lane,
Fazakerley a 3rd car was damaged, again this appeared to have been damaged by a
another vehicle whilst it was empty. Officers were then called to Whitefield
Drive, Kirkby, at around 10.55pm, to reports a Ford Fiesta had fireworks had
been thrown at it. No damage was caused to the vehicle and no 1 was injured. The
final incident took place at around 11.40pm, officers were called to reports of
a Ford Kuga being set alight on Satinwood Crescent, Melling. No 1 was injured
during the incident, but extensive damage was caused to the car. At this stage
detectives are treating all 5 incidents as linked and believe them to be
targeted. Enquiries are on going at this time; crime scene investigators have
been in attendance at each of the scenes, CCTV is being sought from across the
area and house to house enquiries are on going. Detective Inspector Jimmy Belmar
said:- "We are appealing for anyone who was in the area of any of these
incidents to come forward. A car being deliberately damaged by another car
or indeed set alight, is going to make some noise and I'm sure if you saw or
heard anything suspicious you'd remember it. Thankfully no one was injured
during these incidents, but this could have been more serious, especially
the incidents where the cars have been fire damaged. We are particularly
keen to speak to anyone who saw a Ford Kuga or a Mercedes car in the areas
where the incidents took place. Anyone with any information, no matter how
small, is asked to contact Sefton CID on:- 0151 777 3823 or Crimestoppers
anonymously on:- 0800 555 111." |