A noisy end for Southport Pleasureland's
"Boo For You" event
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.

THE tourist attraction which has pulled in the crowds
since its 1st 'Spookport' associated event, called:-
"Boo For You" event, started on 24 October 2015. The event began
with a fantastic, free firework display that illuminated the theme park,
with an eerie glow, and ended with yet another, bigger free display. Rockets
shot up as a large bonfire burned, pumping smoke up that interacted with the
showers of colours from the many fireworks that were shot up in to the dark
sky above. The rain held off although the wind did make things a bit harder
for those watching, as the safety area had to be extended; but what a show!
Also taking place was a moving performance by Liverpool based Brazilian
They 1st performed on the night before the fireworks were set off,
processing through the park and ending just after the fireworks had started.
Then, after the fireworks, they started up again and the drums could be
heard all over Southport Town Centre, even at the Railway Station! This will
be one event to watch out for in 2016, if you did not attend this year. Keep
an eye on Southport Pleasureland's
to discover what they are planning in 2016! If this event was anything to go
by, 2016 will be amazing! Click
here to go
to the main report page for this article and see lots more photos and video

To see the 1st firework displays, please visit our Facebook
Page for video and also see our archived news report via clicking on this