An exclusive interview with Tommy Donbavan,
the man behind "Scream Streets"

WE had hoped to interview Tommy Donbavan to do a quick
catch up with the "Scream
Streets" author
Donbavand, as over Halloween his books
have been turned, by the magic of the BBC, into an amazing animated series.
The 1st of them had:- "Luke uses Eefa's magic cleaning powder to tidy
his room; he ends up putting the whole of Scream Street in danger."
You can still see it on BBC
iPlayer along with the others in the
1st series. Not surprisingly this children's show has gained a fantastic
audience, just like the books, young and old, so we wanted to see what the
Liverpool born actor thoughts were on seeing it on the Box... Sadly, as
normal, things don't quite go to plan, as Tommy replied to us in an email.
"I'm still unwell, I'm afraid (turns out I've got mumps!), so not to let you
down here are my answers to the pre-interview questions you sent."
This was quite unexpected, but we know Tommy never likes letting people
down, so we would like to say a massive thanks and an even bigger "GET
WELL SOON..." So here are a few exclusive lines from the amazing
Tommy, and a few questions from our editor Patrick Trollope... Sadly, our
editor only had a whole owl to write this, so we hope you get a hoot out of
these replies....
► When you 1st were told the BBC had
taken Scream Street for UK TV CBBC, what were the 1st words you said to your
family about it and who did you tell?
"This required some thinking, as I was first approached by the producers
back in 2009, and we eventually signed the paperwork the following year. I
will have told my wife first of all - but she will have been ready for the
news as I was in a meeting with the TV company when the deal was done and I
will have telephoned her afterwards."
► We know family is a very important part of your
life and, even on the day of the premiere, on 21 October 2015, you posted on
Facebook that:- "I was in tears because my Mum and Dad
weren't here to see it."
"My parents supported me in my choice of career 100%, and were very proud of
my achievements. Unfortunately my Mum died just before I got the book deal
for Scream Street, and I lost my Dad just a few months before the TV series
aired. I would have loved them to have seen me achieve the success they
always wished for me."
► We asked about the family because we know family
connections are all over your books. For example, Susan Haward, who is a
well known local business lady in Southport, told us about her sister,
Sister Sally Mott's son, who was your uncle's nephew. He was delighted to
find you had named a character called Benet after him. Has this encouraged
any other family members to put pen to paper?
"1 of my cousin's sons; Jake; is a fab writer. He's now using those skills
to stake a foothold in the computer games industry. I've warned him not to
become more successful than me as an author, however."
► With your books hitting the BBC's CBBC play
lists, you already have fans on both Twitter and Facebook asking about
international deals. Have you got any other non UK networks set to run the
"The series already has broadcasters Germany and
Australia, with more in discussion as we speak. The books are available in
13 different languages worldwide, so there's plenty of interest."
► We found it funny that even on the day
of your story hitting the small screen, you posted:-
"If there's one thing that will keep your feet on the ground, it's
chasing a school for overdue payments." Is it hard to get paid on
"It can be; partly because some local authorities don't quite know what it
is that an author does when he or she visits a school in their area. As a
result, they're not sure how to process invoices for school events, and that
can lead to delays. Plus; writers are always being asked to do work
for 'experience' or 'exposure', neither of which is a recognised currency in
► What did you have planned
for Halloween?
"A quiet evening in! I live Halloween all year round with my books; so 31
October is just another night for me."
► With Christmas around the corner, what
character from your book would you most love to see made in to stocking
"A squeeze farting goblin."
► Do you have any superstitions or belief
in good luck charms, if so what is it or are they?
"None at all. The luckiest people in the world tend to be those who work
the hardest and never give up. That's how I generate my luck."
When you are writing, do you do it in a silent room or do
you have music or the TV on? If so what do you like having on?
"I have an office at home, and I have to have absolute silence. I wish I
could write to music; but it's impossible. Too distracting."
► Do you think the role of authors in
modern society is overlooked? if so, why do you think it is?
"I think some people suspect books just appear magically, or that authors
spend their days daydreaming and writing the occasional haiku, but it's a
tough, full time job. The case isn't helped by celebrity authors using
ghostwriters to leap to the top of bestseller charts on their name alone, or
TV shows such as The Apprentice getting contestants to write and publish a
children's book in a day as a challenge."
► What has been the strangest place you have
conducted an interview in so far?
"On a roller coaster at Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen."
► As it was Back To The Future Day on 21 October
2015, what item would you have wanted to see made, that is not reality yet?
"I'm still waiting for my hoverboard! And a tea mug that reminds me it's
there before the tea goes cold."
► If you are to pick 5 books, should dooms day
come, that you could save for all time, what would they be and why?
"Very tough…
» To Kill A Mockingbird, by
Harper Lee.
» Catcher in the Rye, by JD Salinger.
» Slaughterhouse 5, by Kurt Vonnegut.
» Danny, the Champion of the
World, by Roald Dahl.
» Scream Street 1 - Fang of the Vampire, by me..!"
► So what's next for you? We have been told that a
movie deal is on the cards, is that correct?
"If so, that's a long way off in the future. I'm just keeping my nose to
the grindstone and writing more books. At the time of this interview, I'm
just about to start my 88th book. I may take a break when I get to 100!"
1 thing we can also say to Tommy is that if we can get a "A squeeze
farting goblin" made for you, we will...
Thanks again for your reply and do not let those bugs win! We look forward
eagerly to series 2 of Scream Streets and book 88!