Knowsley Youth Mutual totally commit to
the young people of Merseyside

ON Wednesday 25 November 2015, Knowsley Youth Mutual
(KYM) proudly received 10 licensees for:- 'Total Commitment Training'
by PDP, personal development specialists and educationalists. When
asked why KYM decided to embark upon the Total Commitment Training, Patricia
Jackson, Business Development of KYM stated:- "We have faced a number
of challenges this last year from when we changed from being part of the
local council to a mutual. By including Total Commitment Training into our
portfolio, we are able to offer a new approach to all our schools throughout
the region. Moreover, we want to invest in our high trained staff for them
to diversify their portfolio as well."
Paul Oginsky, Chief Executive of PDP comments:- "We created tct to
provide a structured, engaging approach to personal and social development.
Comprising 18 hours of interactive training, participants move through the 4
phases to ensure they grow their self awareness, focus and ambition to build
on relationships, resilience and refection. We are proud of the commitment
KYM has shown, and are delighted to be able to license their staff for TCT."
Gill Kirby from Knowsley Virtual School, also qualified from the tct
training and stated that:- "We work closely with KYM and Alex Roper
our head teacher decided that we ought to embark upon the training to help
children on the fringes as a preventative measure. We want to offer creative
ways to work with children in order to be able to support and guide them
back on track to improve their lives. tct gives us ideal tools to achieve
PDP rebranded earlier this year from Personal Development Point to launch
their new Total Commitment Training. Other companies which have benefitted
from this fresh approach include Dame Kelly Holmes Trust (Young people not
in education, employment or training), Inspira Cumbria (Long term unemployed
adults), Leicestershire council (Supporting Leicestershire Families) and
Liverpool John Moores University.
Successful licensees from KYM are:- Lyn Pye, Colin Scicluna, Maxine Ellis,
Matty Donnelly, Rachael McGowan, Billy Randles, Molly Ryder, Ste Blackhurst,
Gill Kirby (Attendance Support Officer) and Patricia Jackson. |