Angela braving hot coals
and icy waves for charity

BRAVE fundraiser Angela Donnelly
has walked over hot coals for charity, and now she is set to plunge into
freezing water.
She braved the firewalk at the Albert Dock in November to raise money for R
charity, and now she has signed up for the New Year's Day dip in the Irish
Sea too. "It's a bit of a personal challenge, since it's a
tradition in Cumbria where I am from," says Angela, HR manager for medicine, pharmacy,
therapies and imaging at the Trust. "My dad plunged into the sea for
charity before I was born, and now it's my turn.
I'm not a marathon runner so I wouldn't be taking on a 3 Peaks
challenge, but this is something anyone can do. I'll be donning my R charity
fundraising T shirt on New Year's Day and dashing into the waves."
After braving the firewalk for R charity, Angela feels ready for a fresh
challenge. "When I saw the organisers lighting the coals for us to
walk over, it was pretty daunting," she admits. "But when it
came to it, it felt rather like walking through warm pebbles on a beach and
I was so glad I'd done it." She also raised £337 for R charity.
"My role at the Royal doesn't really involve contact with patients.
But we work closely with the managers, nurses, therapists etc who do work
with the patients and see what a fantastic job they do every day.
My family are from Liverpool so I understand the need to have a world class
hospital with fantastic equipment. And as we see the new Royal growing day
by day, I'm determined to do my bit to make it even better.
The firewalk was a personal challenge, and I absolutely loved it. I'm
determined that the chilly waters of the Irish Sea won't put me off, and
I'll raise even more and get the new year off to a brisk start."
Ged Carter, head of fundraising at the Royal, is dashing into the sea on New
Year's Day with
Angela. He said:- "This is a great opportunity to get
the start the new year with an amazing challenge, and we're now looking for
more brave Nippy Dippers."
To find out more contact the fundraising team via
email or
by calling them on:- 0151 706 3150.
The New Year's Day fundraising dip for the new Royal starts at 2pm, on New
Year's Day, opposite the Floral Pavilion on New Brighton promenade. Come in
fancy dress, come as Santa or come in your cossie; just remember to raise
what you can for the new Royal. Registration costs from £3.
Watch head of fundraising Ged Carter show you how it's done on