Mind your
manners amid festivities says the BTP

THE British Transport Police (BTP) are asking
revellers to be mindful of their manners in the run up to Mad Friday as
abuse towards station staff and anti social behaviour will not be tolerated.
Officers will be out and about at stations across Merseyside to provide
reassurance to passengers and staff travelling in and out of the City and
making sure any troublemakers do not ruin the festive season for others.
Typically at this time of year, as people travel into the City for festive
drinks and work parties, spirits run high and trains are busy, but a
minority can take the celebrations too far and having consumed a large
amount of alcohol become rude and abusive to station staff, making journeys
uncomfortable for other passengers.
Anyone considered too intoxicated will be refused travel on
Merseyrail trains and officers will be enforcing the company's dry train
Inspector Paul Nightingale, who is leading the British Transport Police
Christmas operation across Merseyside, said:- "Please respect station
staff; they are there to assist and facilitate your journey, not to be
subjected to abuse. Please be in no doubt that any abuse of station staff
will not be tolerated and will be dealt with robustly. We want
everyone to enjoy themselves and have fun, but it's important to reinforce
the message that everyone is entitled to travel in safety."
Officers are also advising visitors to the City to make sure
they know the times and details of their trains and to plan their journey
This Christmas, Merseyrail will run two extra late night/early morning
services on the 20 December 2015. It will also run a limited Boxing Day
Insp Nightingale added:- "Plan your Christmas journeys in advice and
expect services to be busy. Be respectful and just have a little bit of
patience if your train is late or it's cramped. We would also say to anyone
who is travelling after having a bit to drink, to be mindful of their fellow
passengers. If you're in the City to celebrate, then keep an eye on
your friends too. Let's all enjoy a trouble free Christmas and show a bit of
goodwill to all." |