Virus Emails coming from

have had a few emails sent to US that are appearing to arrive from Interfax,
as have a few of our readers. The email pictured here, says:- "New
incoming fax document." Then it goes on to say a few other things,
which includes filename and author etc. It then asks you to download the
document. If you click on it, it downloads a zip file. We are aware that it
contain a virus, so do not open it or try and download it! Interfax has said
publicly that:- "It has come to our attention that an unknown 3rd
party is sending malicious emails which contain a javascript virus. The
email is spoofed to look as though it was sent from the
address . This is NOT an email sent by InterFAX, and you should NOT open the
attached file." This is one of many spoofing emails that have popped
up over the last week, purporting to be from well known internet services,
like InterFAX, with other affected like Dropbox... The risk of malware
infection is well known when opening unsolicited email attachments, like pdf
documents and zip files, but many people's computers continue to be infected
via precisely this method. So once again the online community is being
warned to be wary of opening unsolicited email attachments, even if you
recognize the sender or it is a file that looks normal, like a pdf. Oddly,
of the most common disguises seen in SPAM malware campaigns in recent years,
is that of the "incoming fax" so if you're not expecting a
fax, and/or if you don't recognise fax notifications, don't open it! It
should go without saying to keep the security of your operating system up to
date, but common sense is still required. Like this email, just delete it...
Always be suspicious and do not make life easy for the hackers, even if the
virus checker passes the file at 1st!