Free event for budding
scientists and their families

ON Saturday, 16 January 2016, from
12.30 to 2.30pm, budding scientists and their families are invited to test
out some hands on science equipment, at a FREE event, at The Crib, 119 to
121 Eastbank Street. The event will be run by 'Fun Science' to celebrate the
launch of their new West Lancs. Branch, which runs science themed birthday
parties, shows, workshops and holiday clubs across North Liverpool, Wigan,
Chorley, Southport, Ormskirk, Skelmersdale, St Helens and surrounding areas.
Activities on offer included slime making, sherbet making, hair raising on a
Van de Graaff generator and a plasma ball. Plus children will be able to
explore changing heart rates and making a human circuit with their parents!
At a similar event in St Helens, local mum Clare Kay said that the kids:-
"absolutely loved it!"

Fun Science West Lancs. is owned and
managed by Jacqueline Boylan, who lives in Bootle, Merseyside.
Jacqueline (aka Wacky Jacky) is now looking forward to meeting lots of budding
scientists across the area and will be offering free assemblies for all
local Schools.
For more information visit:-
Fun-Science.Org.UK or email them via:-