Trainee teacher
publishes kids' book to support Brain Tumour Research after father's

TRAINEE teacher Nicole Proffitt is
making her publishing debut with a children's picture book which will be
sold in aid of the Brain Tumour Research. Nicole, 20, of Wigan, has been
inspired to create the volume after her father's diagnosis and treatment
with 3 brain tumours.
Profits from the book:- "Slade The Sleepy Sheep", will be split
between the national charity Brain Tumour Research and helping to support
the family, which is living under reduced circumstances since her father
Richard first became ill in 2003.
Nicole, a former pupil at St John Fisher Catholic High School, who is
currently studying to become a teacher at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk,
said:- "Seeing my dad being so poorly has really made me want to do
something positive to help him and others like him. Brain tumours kill more
children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer... yet just
1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this
devastating disease. I will be donating 50% of the profits of my book to
this very worthwhile cause with the other half helping our family finances."

Her dad was formerly a transport supervisor, but like many, brain tumour
patients, has been unable to drive since his diagnosis. He now works as a
Mum Amanda, 48, an accountant, also supports son Jack, 16, a pupil at St
John Rigby College, Wigan, as well as Nicole and looking after her husband.
Richard was 1st diagnosed with a brain tumour after suffering headaches. A
scan revealed a tumour the size of a kiwi fruit. Although this was
successfully removed, he has suffered 2 further recurrences and undergone
a number of surgical procedures. "At the moment my dad is doing OK although he has been left with
epilepsy and disturbed vision. I wanted to do something to help, so I set my
mind to creating this book which I will be self publishing." said
In the book, Slade the sheep is too sleepy to go to school but when his
parents eventually convince him he must go, he discovers a whole world of
adventures and new friends. Written as a rhyming narrative, it is
illustrated by Nicola Hayes, who is currently studying Fine Art at Liverpool
Hope University.
Slade the Sleepy Sheep is priced £6.00 and
can be purchased online at:-
Sue Farrington Smith, Chief Executive of Brain Tumour Research, said:-
"We are striving to fund a network of seven dedicated research Centres
whilst challenging the government and larger cancer charities to invest more
in brain tumour research. We admire Nicole's creative approach to help her
dad and others like him. Help us fund the fight. Together we will find
a cure."
Brain Tumour Research helps fund an annual £1 million programme of research
at its Centre of Excellence at the University of Portsmouth. Further
partnerships announced last year with Plymouth University, Queen Mary
University of London, and Imperial College pave the way for a £20 million
investment in brain tumour research over the next 5 years. |