Liverpool young homeless
centre granted government funding for revamp

RIVERSIDE Care and Support, a
specialist helping young people with experience of homelessness, has been
awarded £150,000 of government funding to revamp its Liverpool Housing
The Powerhouse, located in Toxteth, provides temporary housing and support
for young people aged between 16 and 25 years old who have low to medium
support needs.
The housing association has been awarded a grant of £150,000 by the Homes
and Communities Agency to remodel the 52 bed centre.
Improvements will be made to The Powerhouse's multifunctional training room
to enhance the programme of educational courses, including cookery, art and
photography, for customers at the scheme.
The centre's ground floor and reception area will be remodelled to become
more open and welcoming in line with a psychologically informed approach.
Core to the delivery of Riverside's services, the approach enhances
environments and services, reflected in positive behaviour.
Rachel Richards, Riverside Area Manager, said:- "The approach aims to
achieve more positive outcomes for customers as they identify their own goal
or ambition, and direct how they would like to use our support in order to
achieve their outcomes whether it be rebuilding relationships or improving
their health or becoming drug free. The design in services is shown to
reduce challenging behaviour and aggressive contact by making spaces more
open and welcoming.
The individual meeting rooms will also be upgraded and lighting will be
enhanced to create a brighter, more inviting space. The redeveloped areas
will also promote positive health and wellbeing recovery pathways for
customers with support needs at the scheme, who have often been in care or
in receipt of counselling sessions."
Jason*, in his early 20's, spent time sofa surfing after a breakdown in
family relationships before moving to The Powerhouse in 2015.
He had suffered from mental health issues and used cannabis and a number of
legal highs to cope with his anxiety and depression. The support team at The
Powerhouse helped Jason to schedule and attend appointments with drug
agencies and other health services.
Recently, Jason applied for a training course to make steps towards a more
positive future. He has shown commitment to learning which in turn has
helped him manage his anxiety and other aspects of his behaviour in a better
Last month, Jason stopped using cannabis and legal highs altogether. He has
made steps to improve his appearance and with Riverside's support, is
looking forward to independent living.
Customers at The Powerhouse are supported to manage their finances and
establish links in the community ahead of moving on into independent living.
Riverside implements innovative and researched Programmes of Support at
schemes nationwide. The housing association has a Money Matters module of
support and a Resettlement programme designed to help people effectively
budget and transition through the steps of moving on into independent
The redevelopment work at The Powerhouse began at the end of 2015 and will
be complete in summer 2016. * Name changed...