Clatterbridge Hospital
Candlemas Coffee at St Luke's Church, Formby

ON Thursday, 4
February 2016, in St Luke’s Church’s Meeting Room, Formby, a Candlemas Coffee
Afternoon was held to raise funds for Clatterbridge Cancer Charity. Many local
businesses were very generous with donations that provided the basis for the
tea/coffee and refreshments, prizes for the raffle, hidden treasure game, and
blind auction including the businesses and home bakers who provided the
delicious cakes, biscuits and other goodies. The Co-op funeral care also added
to their contributions with one of their staff coming in to provide extra help
in the kitchen!
“A huge thank you is given to all the people who provided these
goods, and to Cathy of Cathy’s Tea Room who also provided some sound advice and
also to all who displayed our posters. Also, especial thanks to friends and
family who gave their expertise and time and to St Luke’s Church, who included
the lighting of candles, with accompanying prayers, during the Sunday Service,
and many of whose members provided essential help throughout the day. We wish to
express our gratitude to all who turned out to support the event.” said
1 of
the organisers. The afternoon was very busy and lively prevailing with a party
atmosphere. The end result was that almost £500 has been raised which will be
winging its way to Clatterbridge to enable them to help in their work with
cancer patients and their families. Clatterbridge Hospital has a special ethos,
which helps at a very a stressful time, as of course do many other units dealing
in this specialist field.
The charity is 1 of the largest networked cancer centres in the UK, which
operates from 10 sites across Merseyside and Chester. It treats 221,000 to
30,000 patients a year, offering pioneering chemotherapy, radiotherapy and
proton therapy treatments.
It is heartening that in a seemingly self interested world, there are still
businesses and individuals willing to give, not only financially, but of their
time and effort to help a good cause.
If you want to donate to Clatterbridge and help them transform cancer care,
pleased go to:-
ClatterbridgeCC.Org.UK and also find out more about the
charity. Registered charity no. 1051727.
Click on
here to see
more photographs from this event.

Some of the event’s supporters and sponsors, who have devoted their time,
expertise and/or have given donations:- Aughton Wines, Barry Atkinson Jewellers,
The Beauty Salon, Formby, Broughs the Butchers, Cassidys, Greengrocers, China
Butterfly, The Co-op Funeral Care, Costa Coffee (Formby Village), Cathy’s Tea
Room within Derbyshires, The Flower Studio within Derbyshires, The Good Wool
Shop within Derbyshires,, Homebase, Hop and Horn, Ian
Cockbain, Wealth Management, The Kitchen Cafe, My Local, The Old Book Shop,
Prezzo, Rowlands Pharmacy, Silver and Rose Opticians, Spa on Harington Road
(Formby)., Subway, St Luke’s Church Formby, Tesco Formby,
Timpson Shoe Repairers on Chapel Street (Formby), Trimmers hairdressers, Brows
Lane (Formby), Vanilla, Waitrose, Waterfields (staff), The Print Quarter and