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Issue:- Monday, 15 February 2016

Headlines and reports on this page = 4 news items.    Page - 3.

Local groups awarded funding

PROJECTS to keep youngsters active and out of trouble have been awarded more than £6,000 by Lancashire's Police and Crime Commissioner.  4 groups in Fylde, Chorley, Rossendale and Darwen have successfully applied for grants of up to £2,500 from Clive Grunshaw's Community Action Fund. The money will fund projects that help tackle crime and anti social behaviour as well as support vulnerable people. The latest decisions mean more than £83,000 has been handed out through the fund this year after it was increased following the success of the initiative in 2014/15, when £50,000 was shared out across Lancashire.  The money goes to voluntary, community and faith groups whose projects help support priorities identified by the Commissioner and the local Community Safety Partnerships.  The 4 awards totalling £6,660.57 were:-

► Fylde Together will get £2,400 towards its Positive Blackpool Project. To help tackle a rise in youth related crime and disorder on the Fylde coast, Fylde Together plans to run a 10 week multi sports project in three different high-risk areas on 2 evenings a week. Activities will include football, dodgeball, netball and handball.

► Dosti BME Forum in Chorley will get £2,377 to help fund its Youth Integration and Community Cohesion project. The forum aims to provide young people aged 12 to 19 with 3 months access to a youth club and two staff members will also take young people on planned trips out of the area. The project will target youths from the white and Asian community to promote community cohesion.

► The White Horse Project in Rossendale will get £1,250 towards its Deepen project to tackle anti-social behaviour and underage drinking in the area. Between 50 and 75 youngsters attend on Friday evenings to take part in a range of activities. This can include getting up on stage to help boost their confidence and the money will be used to purchase lighting equipment and train volunteers.

► The Newrad Fisheries Club in Darwen will get £633.57 towards the cost of the Ashton Park Angling Open Day. The event will target youngsters and allow them to take part in taster sessions that will encourage them to take up sporting activity.

Clive Grunshaw, Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner, said:- "We are lucky in Lancashire to have so many different organisations working hard to offer a wide range of activities for the county's young people. That is why I am delighted to be able to support these groups, whose project will help deliver my goals of reducing crime and anti social behaviour as well as protecting vulnerable people.  This money will make a real difference to people's lives by supporting those who strive to give young people the chance to stay active, entertained and keep them out of trouble."

Young people urged to Stay Safe Online

MERSEYSIDE are warning young people to stay safe online following:- 'Safer Internet Day', that on Tuesday, 9 February 2016. 'Safer Internet Day' is marked every year in more than a hundred countries and in the UK by Police Forces, Schools, Youth Charities, Councils and many media organisations. The aim is to promote safe, responsible and positive use of the internet and social media by children and young people. The theme for this year's was 'Play your part for a better internet'. Merseyside Police works with partner organisations to tackle online criminality such as grooming, the sharing of indecent images, hacking and fraud. But officers also want to help people stop becoming victims of these crimes in the first place by educating children, teenagers and adults about how to stay safe whenever they are online. Superintendent David McCaughrean said:- "The internet is now part and parcel of our everyday lives and increasingly children and young people are relying on it to do school work, communicate and stay in touch with friends and family. Safer Internet Day is all about giving young people the know how and confidence to both stay safe online and behave more responsibly online too. We would always advise that it a young person becomes uncomfortable or suspicious of someone else's behaviour online then they should report it. Parents should also regularly monitor their child's internet activity and speak to them if they have any concerns. I want to emphasise that up to 80% of online crimes could be be prevented by people spending time taking control of their online profiles and activity and that of their loved ones instead of letting it control them. The website allows people to take a quiz to see what they would do if they had concerns about a friend's privacy settings, a fake profile, a suspicious friend request, or online bullying. If we all take just a minute or two out of our day to learn a little more about this issue we can all help make the internet a safer and more pleasant place to socialise and share our experiences with others."  For more information on staying safe online visit:- SaferInternet.Org.UK or visit the Merseyside Police website​​​​​.

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Deceased estates notice - Lilian May Jackam

Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925, any persons having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of Lilian May Jackam (also known as Lillian May) Jackam (Deceased), late of Birch Abbey Rest Home, 55 Alexandra Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 9HD, UK, who died on 04/10/2018, are required to send particulars thereof in writing, to the undersigned Solicitors, on or before 24/05/2019, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims and interests of which they have had notice. Churches Solicitors, 12 High Street, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 7BL, UK. Ref:- 'T553015.'

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