NWAS signs up to support
Mental Health at work

THE North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust (NWAS) is
committed to promoting better understanding of mental health issues and to
end stigma in the workplace after signing up to the national:- "Blue Light
Programme" led by the mental health charity MIND.
MIND state that one in four people in the UK will experience a mental health
problem in any given year and their independent research showed that the
estimated quarter of a million people who work and volunteer in the
emergency services are even more at risk of experiencing mental health
problems than the general population, but less likely to get support.
Chief Executive Bob Williams and Chair Wyn Dignan publically signed the
pledge and joined other healthcare and emergency services employers
demonstrating the organisation's support of the programme to tackle mental
health discrimination. Bob Williams said:- "Ambulance crews, call
handlers and support staff do a very demanding job and can be regularly
exposed to many stressful and traumatic situations, which can take its toll
physically as well as emotionally. Staff welfare has been high on the agenda
for the Trust for some time now, and giving our support to this programme
not only aims to keep colleagues and staff supported whilst they are at
work, but demonstrates the positive steps being taken towards challenging
the stigma of mental health."
The Trust already has a number of staff who are Blue Light Champions and
have promoted MIND's Blue Light Programme with NWAS staff and they were
instrumental in getting the pledge signed.
By signing up to an action plan under the pledge, the Trust will create a
working environment in which staff and volunteers are encouraged to talk
freely about any mental health issues they may have, promote a better
understanding of mental health, and provide support and wellbeing advice
within the service. Part of the programme includes the Blue Light
information line, which is exclusive to emergency services staff, volunteers
and their families. It offers confidential, independent and practical
support, advice and signposting around mental health and wellbeing. |