Gruesom Crimes of
Victorian Liverpool to be brought back to life!
Photos by Ant Clausen.

LOCAL Theatre company Lovehistory Ltd, who are the
producers of the popular:- 'Catacombs of Liverpool's Dark History'
series and the City's most animated storytellers, are once again set to
delve deeper into Liverpool's gruesome history to bring its criminal past to
a stage setting in the 2nd of the series of 'Lovehistory Loves'
St George's Hall's famous Concert Room will play host to an evening of
crime, murder and mystery on Friday, 8 April 2016, with Lovehistory
Loves…Crime! re-enacting four of Liverpool's most notorious crimes. A team
of versatile actors in period costume, along with effective lighting and
sound effects will transport you back to the gruesome setting of the past
with the infamous criminal stories.

The slums of Victorian Liverpool were a breeding ground for
the criminal underworld, vice, fraud, violence and murder, a place where the
morally corrupt would prey upon their victims and spread terror throughout
the City.
The Trial of Elizabeth Kirkbride in 1877 was 1 that caused
distress and shock amongst all who heard the case. A widowed school teacher
living in Tuebrook, Elizabeth Kirkbride was arrested following the discovery
of the 3 bodies of infant children in her previous address. When the police
investigated further, what was to unfold caused outrage and anger and calls
for justice against the baby killer, Elizabeth Kirkbride. Her silence and
reluctance to give any explanation as to circumstances surrounding the
deaths has baffled many and remains a mystery to this day.
The Liverpool Bank Robbery of 1878 relives the tale of a shrewd and
calculated plan where a young bank clerk, William Ohlman almost got away
with the sum of £15,000, as he tried to escape the City with his mistress,
Miss Mclean who subsequently vanished without trace. This infamous bank
robbery stunned the well to do of the City, who perceived bank robbers to be
violent, hooded men with guns or knives. This was clean, well planned but
unfortunately for Ohlman, it was found out.

The Case of the Burning Woman exposes the alcohol fuelled
rage when in 1884 a young prostitute, Mary McNamara, was burned alive during
a horrific domestic dispute that left many questioning the savagery that
existed in some of the poorest areas of the City.
The inexplicable and shocking Redcross Street Murder, created a media
sensation around the country in 1895 and would be treated as a hate crime in
2016. On the 19th of February 1895 a young and bloodied man, George Needham,
screamed his way through the streets of Liverpool reporting a murder had
occurred… "A man did it!" he shouted as by passers tried to
assist him. The trial of William Miller, the ex-lodger of the murdered
Edward Moyse, heard how Miller began an unprovoked and frenzied attack upon
Moyse that left him dead and Needham fighting for his life
Judy McLean, Creative Director of Lovehistory, said:- "We are thrilled
to be returning to the Concert Room for our second theatrical production of
the series. This time we are creating theatre in the round making the
audience feel much closer to the action and the four stories that will take
them on a terrifying journey. We are delighted to be co-producing with Bill
Elms again."
Bill Elms added:- "The 1st production in the Lovehistory Loves series
went down incredibly well last autumn, now we move away from the murderous
theme to the most criminal in our City's history. If you are a lover of
Liverpool's darkened past, then it will be a crime to miss the second in
this popular season of events in the historic St George's Concert Room. With
4 stories, audiences will encounter a vicious and savage underworld of
murder, theft and violence, these shocking tales are guaranteed to chill you
to the bone For further information, please visit:-
LoveHistory.Co.UK or
Lovehistory Loves… Crime will be live in the St George's Concert Room, on
Friday, 8 April 2016, from 8pm. Tickets will be just £15 (Plus £1.50 booking
fee). Purchase in person at:- TicketQuarter, Queen Square, Liverpool;
or by calling the booking line on:- 0844 800 0410. |