Isle of Man Steam Packet
Company support ABBA Tribute charity concert

A charity concert which proved a hit last
year will return to the Villa Marina in July, with support from the Isle of
Man Steam Packet Company. The acclaimed tribute performers ABBA
Reunion delighted an audience of more than 600 people with renditions of
some of the biggest disco hits of the 1970's and 1980's last time they
visited. They were so popular organiser Marc Lowey has arranged a return
trip. Last year's show raised £5,500 for South Douglas Old Friends
Association, which will also benefit from the concert in July. Once again,
the Steam Packet Company is helping by assisting with the group's travel.
Tickets for the show, which is on 23 July 2016, are available now from the
Welcome Centre at the Sea Terminal in Douglas. The evening will start
with a performance by Ian Thompson before ABBA Reunion bring the classic
songs of the legendary Swedish group to the stage. Afterwards there will be
a disco for people aged 18 and over only, where Legislative Council member
and former MHK David Cretney will DJ. Organiser Marc Lowey said:-
"Last year ABBA Reunion put on a great show which everyone really
enjoyed, and the evening raised a huge amount for the charity. It was so
popular we simply had to arrange for the group to return, and I'm sure
everyone will be looking forward to recapturing that fantastic party
atmosphere again in July, as well as raising money for South Douglas Old
Friends Association. I'm so grateful for the ongoing assistance of the Isle
of Man Steam Packet Company, as well as all our other sponsors including Jaks Bar and Steak House, 3FM, Raymonds B&B and Cannell Print. This show is
only possible because of their tremendous support." Steam
Packet Company Chief Executive Mark Woodward added:- "Last year's show
raised a wonderful amount for the charity as well as giving everyone who
went along a brilliant night out. I hope this year's concert is even more
successful, and we are pleased to be able to help again."