Local NHS team launches
new eating disorders website

team of eating disorder
specialists from local mental health Trust CWP have launched
CreatingHopeTogether.com; a brand new website providing information and
online resources for people with an eating disorder, their families,
healthcare professionals and the wider general public.
The new site, developed by clinical experts in Cheshire and Wirral
Partnership NHS Foundation Trust's (CWP) Eating Disorder Service, contains a
number of inventive and creative features designed to support people with an
eating disorder. This includes a dedicated:- 'Cook-Along' video page to
help the viewer plan and prepare nutritious meals, with advice around how to
reduce anxiety when preparing and eating food. There is also a:- 'Sanctuary'
area, providing a variety of ideas for days out, crafts, games and
relaxation techniques.

Dr Matthew Cahill, CWP Consultant Psychiatrist in Eating Disorders, said:-
"Eating disorders can often take over entire lives, and the lives of
those close to the sufferer. More often than not, the things that were
previously very important to the sufferer such as family, friends, hobbies,
school or work get neglected as the eating disorder takes over. CreatingHopeTogether.com
contains clear and simple information that will help visitors better
understand what they or their loved ones are going through, while also
providing valuable and innovative resources that can help people begin their
journey to recovery."
CreatingHopeTogether.com also provides information about CWP's local
services available to people in the region, and wider resources aimed
specifically to help professionals in the industry. The launch of the site
coincided with national Eating Disorder Awareness Week that took place over 21
February to 27 February 2016.
Studies show that over 1.6 million people in the UK are estimated to be
directly affected by eating disorders. Eating disorders have the highest
mortality rates among psychiatric disorders.
Health care costs for eating disorders in England have been estimated as
£80m to £100m, with overall economic cost likely to be more than £1.26bn per