Ablution room opened at
Southport Hospital

AN ablution room for use by staff
and visitors has opened at Southport hospital. It will be used for ritual
washing in preparation for prayer and worship.
Ablution is an essential element of the Muslim tradition. There is an
obligation for prayers to be offered 5 times a day. The room was created at
the entrance facing the Clinical Education Centre to be near the
prayer / quiet room.
Those attending the official handover from the Trust estates team included Soyful Alam, the Imam for Southport and West Lancashire, and a number of
Trust staff who will be regular users.
The Trust chaplain, the Rev Martin Abrams, said:- "The commitment to
prayer from within the Muslim community is inspirational, and the
contribution they make to the Trust is outstanding. I am delighted we have
been able to accommodate their cultural requirements. I find it very moving
that within our small prayer room we are able to accommodate different world
faiths alongside the quiet space we offer for people of no formal religion.
On behalf of the Muslim community of Sefton, I would like to express my
utmost appreciation to Southport hospital for the wonderful ablution
facility that has been provided with such consideration and courtesy. My
gratitude is extended to all those who had a role in providing this special
Also present were Rodney Dykes, recently retired Trust non-executive
director who chaired the charity and faith committees.