200 new constables to be
recruited for Merseyside Police
MERSEYSIDE Police have launched a
campaign to recruit over 200 new constables to the Force. Anyone aged over
18 is eligible to apply. There is no upper age limit for applications, but
the compulsory retirement age for a Police Officer is 60. All applicants
must pass a Police Selection Process (PSP) and complete a training
Chief Constable Sir Jon Murphy said:-
"I am delighted that the Force is in a position to recruit new Police
Officers for 2016. Merseyside Police is committed to maintaining a
professional and effective Police Force and providing our communities with
the best possible service for the public of Merseyside. We are looking for
men and women who thrive on challenges and are willing to work hard to learn
the skills necessary for this difficult, but critical role. Being a Police
Officer can be a tough job, but it is also 1 of the most rewarding jobs you
will ever have. The skills for being a good Police Officer include the
ability to work as part of a team, solve problems and keep calm and
confident under difficult circumstances. The role can be both physically and
mentally demanding but it is an opportunity for individuals to make a
difference and ensure that the people who live in the community they serve
feel safe."
Merseyside's Police Commissioner Jane Kennedy said:- "I am so pleased
that Merseyside Police is now in a position to be able to open recruitment
for new officers. The Force lost more than 1,600 people during the
Government's 6 year programme of austerity. Many services had to be stripped
right back and some were on the brink of disappearing all together. It also
put an unnecessary strain on the dedicated men and women who were left to
serve the public. Thankfully, following some detailed financial planning, we
have now been able to balance the budget and that means for the 1st time in
3 years we are in the fortunate position to be able to encourage new people
to apply to join the Merseyside Police family. I thank the public of
Merseyside for so generously supporting a small increase to the Policing
Precept of their Council Tax, which in part has enabled this to take place.
I know that people truly value the visible and accessible Neighbourhood
Policing style that Merseyside Police provides. This recruitment campaign
demonstrates our continued commitment to delivering the best possible local
service to the communities of Merseyside."
The recruitment lines are currently open, but applications will not be
considered after the Force receives 2000 applications. Anyone who is
interested in applying for the position or has any questions about the role
of a Police Constable can visit the Merseyside Police
website. |
Ed Byrne Gig Review
Report by:-
MOCK The Week regular Ed
took his latest stand up show, entitled:- "Outside Looking In",
out on the road entertaining audiences with 90 minutes of observational
anecdotes primarily based around his own awkwardness in situations ranging
from taking children into coffee shops to gender identity footwear, on the
12 March 2016, at the Liverpool ACC.
Despite being a regular on the live circuit, Byrne and the audience take a
little while to get warmed up as the Irish stand up recalls tales of dying
on stage, bad audiences and playing soul destroying corporate gigs while off
season. The reaction is polite at best, but as Byrne shifts into a new topic
namely his dislike of interviews, particularly those of the sports variety,
things start to pick up. From there on in, the 1st ˝
of the show revolves around his relationship experiences, but more
awkwardly, bad dates. It's not a fast paced show and his attempt to engage
the audience by asking for their experiences doesn't end well, but rather
than it leaving things a bit flat, it just adds to the natural awkwardness
of the whole subject. Handling a couple of hecklers with consummate ease,
Byrne ends the first half with tales of some his stranger sexual experiences
and all memories of the muted start to the show have disappeared.
By the time the 2nd ˝ of the show is underway and the Irish comic is
revealing his awkwardness as a 43 year old man around young, good looking
people, it's hard not to feel a little sorry for him. Byrne's excruciating
tale of discussing his diarrhoea to 2 medical students may see the show
stoop to toilet humour levels but you feel yourself wincing along with every
awkward, tense moment of this episode of his life. The show heads to a
finale with Byrne revealing his frustrations during a trip to Stanstead
Airport before more tales of his experiences as a parent of 2 young children
have the audience roaring along to the glorious, heart warming conclusion to
the routine and the show.
At times during the evening some of the reactions were lukewarm at best so
much so that, by his own admission, the biggest laugh of the night came when
Byrne uttered the phrase:- "dirty Manc b**tards".
For the most part though, this Liverpool
crowd shared and relived every moment of Byrne's awkward life experiences
with the utterly likeable Irishman
Do not forget that this Irish funny man performs, at The Atkinson, on 22
April 2016 and you can get tickets by calling in to the venue or buzzing
them on:- 01704 533333.
Did you attend? Let us know what you thought of the
gig, via emailing us to:-
News24@southportReporter.com. |