Southport Costa Coffee
Shop window smashed

DESPITE the increased Policing in Southport Town
Center, as a 48 hour dispersal zone was in place following a huge increase
in reports of anti-social behaviour, the new window of the Costa Coffee Shop
on Lord Street was smashed. It is thought that the incident happened
sometime ober night, between 9pm, on Saturday, 19 March 2016 to 7am, on
Sunday, 20 March 2016. Just before the 48 hour dispersal zone came into
effect on the Friday, Southport Neighbourhood Inspector Graham Fisher told
us:- "We are working with local businesses and the Council to identify
offenders and take the appropriate action. These zones are not about
bothering people, young or old, who are going about their legitimate daily
business. However, we will be targeting people who are intent on causing
anti-social behaviour or criminal damage, especially if they are gathering
in large groups, which can be intimidating to others. These issues will of
course be closely monitored and further dispersals will be authorised if
appropriate. I welcome the information provided to us so far from the local
community, and we will continue to respond to their concerns, to allow us to
focus our resources on the right areas." Sadly, these acts of anti
social behaviour and criminal damage are destroying small businesses in the
area and the Towns image. No matter how many extra patrols and the use of
temporary dispersal zones, with out public help, it can't stop it. Members
of the community with any information are encouraged to speak with officers
in the area, their dedicated Neighbourhood Team on:- 0151 777 3442, or
call:- 101. Anyone with information who does not wish to speak with us
directly can call Crimestoppers anonymously on:- 0800 555 111. Please let
the Police know of any areas that groups are congregating, causing nuisance
and damage so we can put a stop to this activity! |