90th Anniversary of Sir
Henry Segrave's Land Speed Record - Part 2
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.
THESE are some more
photographs taken of the Festival of Speed over 12 March to 20 March 2016, to
celebrate Sir Henry Segrave's Land Speed Record. Sir Henry Segrave, in March
1926. These photographs where taken at the very last big event of
the Festival on Saturday, 19 March 2016, when Aintree Circuit Club held a small,
but very interesting display on Kings Gardens. To see all our photographs we
have put online from Saturday 19 March, please click on
here now... Again
Weather was not ideal, but it did not put off many motoring fans from attending.
The event included a driving parade down Lord Street in the afternoon...
Plus 2 photographs are at the end of this report, taken by
Brian Radam,
of the Atco Car that was exhibited the Atkinson, along with the
Sunbem that set the Land Speed record on
Ainsdale Beach. The Atco Car was lent to the Atkinson by Southport's British
This car is normally on display in the Museum and very rare.
Built in 1939 powered by a
1hp Villiers engine, and boasting 80 mpg. it was destined to change British
motoring history in 1939 by placing 1 Atco Training Car in every school in the
country so a young person could learn to drive, repair and maintain a car,
before they went on the road. Unfortunately World War 2 broke out after only
making 200 and the Lawnmower factory production was diverted to the War effort,
including making the carriage for the famous Bouncing bomb. However, the car
went on to be the spark for budding Grand Prix and Le Mon drivers for those
privileged to have driven 1. This 1 has just been restored and was used by
Lancashire Police HQ in Hutton near Preston to train people to drive during the
Second World War.
To see more photographs from Saturday 19 March, please click on
here now...!
Please let us know if you
attended and what you though of this event by email our newsroom via:-
News24@SouthportReporter.Com. Also please check out our video
footage that we have uploaded on our YouTube
Channel of the events over the week long
To see more photographs from Saturday 19 March, please click on
here now...!